
I love Estes Park. Going to do our final camping trip for the year there on the 23rd. So excited!

I got my pocket door done! It worked surprisingly well. LOL When it is closed there is overlap of 3.5" on both sides. All other clearance is at 1/2". Just needs roof on both parts of the run and I am done! Just in time too since the girls will be headed out there in about 2 weeks.

I love Estes Park. Going to do our final camping trip for the year there on the 23rd. So excited! I got my pocket door done! It worked surprisingly well. LOL When it is closed there is overlap of 3.5" on both sides. All other clearance is at 1/2". Just needs roof on both parts of the run and I am done! Just in time too since the girls will be headed out there in about 2 weeks.
Never seen a pocket door on a run. You'll have to let us know how well it works.
I will!

I am not worried about big critters getting in. There is 2 "walls" of 1/2" hardware cloth on each side. The door is well enclosed with plenty of overlap on each side. It just needs a good lock. The one I got on Amazon was to big for my 2 x 4.

My biggest concerns are 1) are mice going to be able to squeeze in there? Probably so but I dont think it is any more of a risk than a door that swings out and 2) will the rollers freeze in the winter? They are metal and plastic but fairly enclosed with the boards on the top and sides.

I am pretty confident in the design. Plus, I could put the corrugated plastic panels on the outside walls to keep the wind down and drifting snow out in the winter and still have air flow in the run.

I will post a photo tomorrow to the door while closed so you can see the small amount of space there.

Here's a "What the Heck" moment...

I go out to collect eggs and one of the girls starts talking to me from inside the coop. So I go around and open the side door.

...just how long have they been laying eggs here?

Seriously? :eek:
Welcome to MY world! At least yours don't think they're turtles and bury them! That's a LOT of eggs though... how many hens contributed to the pile? How long is the million dollar question!
The lighter colored eggs are from my older onesies and twosies from them.

The dark ones are from my Welsummers, there are 6 of them...

I just COULD NOT believe it when I looked in there and saw all those eggs...what a waste. I have no idea how long they have been in there.
Not a (total) waste really... cook em up and feed the dogs or feed them back to the chickens.

That is exactly what I do when I find a hidden stash. But FIRST I do a float test: I pull all the floaters, put 'em is plastic bag and freeze then put in trash on trash on trash day; the sinkers I dump in the blender she'll and all, blend, then cook scrambled and feed back to chickens. Dog can eat, but prefers eggs not more than a couple of minutes old.

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