Columbian Wyandottes - question about keeping extra roo from offspring


11 Years
Aug 16, 2008
I have a young, small flock of Columbian Wyandottes. They've just started back to laying sporadically this week, and I want to set some eggs to hatch out more to increase my flock size.

What problems would I run into keeping the best of the best of the cockerels so that I would have a back up roo incase something (heaven forbid!) to my adult roo?

Or, would I be better off to just purchase a decent roo from unrelated bloodlines?

I already plan to keep the best pullets from the hatchlings and breed those back to the father.
I think you will be fine keeping one of the sons and breeding them back to the mother or aunts. I wouldn't think there would be any problems as long as you don't breed siblings.


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