Comfortable flooring options for pen


Crossing the Road
Nov 8, 2021
I've tried dirt, I've tried wood shavings, I've tried straw.... but everything eventually turns to a muddy mucky mess! Plus the wasted money from replacing bedding so often. Even with the pen covered, it gets wet and muddy in no time.
I've heard of sand, gravel, patio slabs around the pond etc etc. I haven't tried these options but have a few concerns I want to talk out before picking my method.

Gravel- rough on feet and is it safe for them to consume? If the pieces are small enough I assume so, but I have a likely over worry/paranoia about them eating larger bits and causing an impaction.
Am I overthinking, and will I be okay to get cover it with a layer of pine shavings for now, to protect their feet?

Sand- dusty when dry, perhaps delicious when wet? Concerned about respiratory issues/impaction risk. Mixed with soil would that be okay?

Patio slabs, just a few around the pool so they aren't bringing the pine shavings/dirt and whatever else into the pond- I assume their feet will be okay? Or is there a better option?

Open to experience and thoughts :)
I've tried dirt, I've tried wood shavings, I've tried straw.... but everything eventually turns to a muddy mucky mess! Plus the wasted money from replacing bedding so often. Even with the pen covered, it gets wet and muddy in no time.
I've heard of sand, gravel, patio slabs around the pond etc etc. I haven't tried these options but have a few concerns I want to talk out before picking my method.

Gravel- rough on feet and is it safe for them to consume? If the pieces are small enough I assume so, but I have a likely over worry/paranoia about them eating larger bits and causing an impaction.
Am I overthinking, and will I be okay to get cover it with a layer of pine shavings for now, to protect their feet?

Sand- dusty when dry, perhaps delicious when wet? Concerned about respiratory issues/impaction risk. Mixed with soil would that be okay?

Patio slabs, just a few around the pool so they aren't bringing the pine shavings/dirt and whatever else into the pond- I assume their feet will be okay? Or is there a better option?

Open to experience and thoughts :)
I actually use ALL of those things. Pavers in some areas and to make pathways. Gravel & sand anywhere it gets too muddy/puddles. And pine shavings, plus straw also, inside their house, which has a wood floor thats been painted with extreme weather beater exterior paint. (I alternate daily which to add on top after spot cleaning)
when its icy snowy out I toss some straw around but it has to be raked up after a week or so before it stinks. Just today I picked up 6 new bags of gravel and 4 bags of sand.
OH I almost forgot I also use these outdoor rugs in some areas ! hang on Ill get the link brb

here it is they are made from recycled plastic bottles! Theyre wonderful!
Here's some pictures of the pen, excuse the mess here and there, I've just changed out the straw yesterday but there's some areas still needing doing. I had other jobs today so I'll finish the clean up tomorrow.

As you can see, the wire isn't brilliant. It needs completely redoing because time has proven it isn't completely predator proof. I need to use a much finer mesh. The tarpaulins have suffered greatly this winter and are being replaced when the new ones arrive tomorrow.

It was a far nicer place for the girls last summer, it's fallen into ruin this winter and I've been forced to use it partially for storage etc. I want the girls to have their nice space back with some important modifications.
I was supposed to have moved home by now and I was excited to give the girls a whole new better set up. But it's not worked out and is now on hold, hence fixing up what we have.
I can't keep using straw for bedding, it's too expensive and it barely lasts ten days before I have to completely change it. I think the best option for us is gravel, then pine shavings and changing them out as needed. I think with new tarpaulins to rain proof and gravel for drainage it'll last a little better? Or am I better using soil and sand?

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