Comments wanted on another evil guinea


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Hector, Ar
Does anyone else have a really mean crazy guinea?
My turkey hatched out a single guinea last year after some dog problems where her own eggs were destroyed and the rest of my guineas killed. She raised the male guinea. Once a week or so his "Mother" chases him around like she is going to kill him now that he is grown. We have a big big pen. The Guinea will target a chicken he doesn't like and torment it. Tonight he chased the rooster in my avatar all over the pen, not letting up and then attacking him when cornered. I rescued poor Rocky three times today. I am so fed up with this guinea, but I am wondering if it was from his upbringing, being raised by a turkey?? He was raised by the turkey mom and among chickens, I don't get it.
Roosters and Guinea fowl should never be housed together

Male guineas will Run them ragged and kill them thats just how guineas are.

i house my guineas and chicken separate and they just kinda do there own thing all tho they do enjoy scaring the living day lights out of the chickens every day when there both out but they dont hurt them (the chickens might be missing a few feathers tho)

so in sort i would just give the guinea his own pen or the Roo his own pen
Guinea females are ok with chickens/ducks, but not male guinea with roosters/drakes. Learned the hard way. We raised our guinea with our ducks. And have had our male guinea attack our drake twice. He chases the females, but hasn't hurt them. Our drake is currently in the house when he isn't out "visiting his girls" until we get seperate housing for the guineas.
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Thanks for the info. I tried moving him into a horse run-in so he could search for ticks. He of course was back in the chicken pen this morning. He is looking like a meal today.
In my experience, guinea cocks are fine with chickens if raised with/near them.

Our first guineas we got as day old keats, raised them in the house for a few weeks, then stuck them in a cage inside the coop for a few more weeks. We let them out with the chickens and a rooster actually adopted them. They followed him around. To this day they do not chase him at all.

Our second batch of guineas we got when they were 2-6 weeks old. They had been raised till that age with a couple chicks in the brooder but no interaction with adult chickens. We kept them in the house for a couple days and then put them in the "nursery" part of the run for a couple weeks. We let them out with the chickens and they were fine.

Yes, our guinea cocks do chase the roosters a bit and run off the hens from the food every now and then, but overall they do little to no damage to our chicken flock. Whenever I see a guinea cock after a rooster it is because the rooster first started fighting with the cock. The cock chases the rooster, then leaves him alone. And do you know what? The rooster comes back for more. (Silly chickens, always wanting to get the last peck in)

BTW, we have 2 guinea cocks and 7 adult roosters. During early guinea laying season we had 3 cocks, but still we had no problems.

That's my 2-cents about keeping guineas and chickens together. However your problem sounds different. I've never raised turkeys so I can't really say much on that point, but if turkeys really are mean (Like I here they are) then it might be possible that some of that meanness rubbed off on your guinea cock. Or it may be that he's feeling misplaced and wants some hens of his own? I don't know, lol.

Do your roosters chase each other a lot? I know all roosters chase each other a little bit every now and then, but maybe yours chase each other a lot and he's just copying them?

I know these ideas sound stupid, but you never know with chickens, guineas, and turkeys.

I hope you get this worked out, good luck
Had two guinea cocks and two guinea hens. They lived with the chickens till they were almost to laying age, then the war started. My alpha guinea hated all red chickens and tormented them mercilessly. Then he began attacking my rooster and I rehomed them. Guineas are not like chickens at all. They fight as a team by bodyslamming the victim and a chicken just can't defend against them. I miss them, but they were a handful.
Thanks again. His "Mom" is a nice Turkey hen that gets along fine with chickens. My Tom is pretty mean
, one day he picked up a poult and the guinea flew into his head, attacking him until he dropped the poult. That was a good day.

I've thought about getting him a hen or two, but I am so irritated at him for disrupting the tranquility of my chicken watching pasttime, aaarrrgghhh!

What I find wierd is the Mother-son relationship. Esmerelda (his Mom) has been sitting on eggs for the past week or so. She left her clutch to grab a very quick snack, but thought it important enough, to chase him around for 10 minutes
before returning to her clutch.
yep this is why i keep mine in different pens.

i use to have 6 guineas (4 males 2 females) but 2 of the males were very very mean so they went in the freezer after almost biting one of the nice guineas toes off (the toe healed better then i thought it would and he gets along fine now) and hurting the other nice male.

now i have 4 guineas and they were perfectly fine and sweet as can be......... tell mating season now the one that had the hurt toe is the head guinea and will attack you if you get to close

they do enjoy bugging/chasing the chickens and Roos but they wont hurt them much, they just pull a few feathers if the chickens are to slow

over all i love my guineas and find them very funny to watch.
Guineas will "tag team" chickens and kill them, even full grown game fowl roosters! They will kill chicks, even ones with hens.

Now, not all Guineas do this, but most will especially when they become sexually mature.

We raise our Guineas with the chickens, but when they start acting up, they get moved to a different pen. I love to have the Guineas running loose, but when the game hens have chicks running around, I have to lock one or the other up if I want the chicks to live.

I lost all our Guineas but one a couple of years ago, and he started staying with the chickens, and did no harm, but once we got some more Guineas, the fight was on.

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