Composting poop for your garden. Biggest mistakes.

I have a very large pile of poo, shavings, straw and really don't do squat with it
I'm a lazy composter! However, I wanted to point out don't forget to visit BYC's sister-site :

They have some great info on composting in there
Biggest mistake last year: letting the guys dump all the sticks prunings and outright tree limbs, cornstalks, canna stalks...all unchopped. This made it impossible to turn. and made layers waterproof, so some areas were preserved in the original condition.

Now this year, I'm sharpening the garage sale machete to chop and the wood is going cut up in the wood stack for evening bonfires -er, grilling fires (not allowed burn permits during the summer here). Hopefully the use of a machete will go without incident - you know, ER kind of incidents.

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