concrete in run?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 17, 2012
So we bought a coop. It likely won't be permanent, but it will get us started. It's a 4x6 coop that is raised with a run underneath. We have a concrete slab in our yard (it had a dog run on it at some point) and are considering putting the coop on there for the ease of not having to go to great lengths for predator control. We plan on having a tractor to put them in during the day and may let them free range some as well. Will the concrete floor in the run be a problem? I imagine that I should put some sort of bedding down - what should I use?
thank you!

anyone else have any insight to having a concrete floored run and what the best material would be to put down in it? we will be adding wheels to the coop (making it a tractor.. sort of) so we will be able to roll it away for cleaning the run.
My runs are all sand. Extremely easy. The birds naturally stir it for you when dust bathing & hunting for insects or sctatch thrown out over it. All you need to do is rake the sand on occasion & add new if needed. The birds can use it as grit as well, saving on that expense.

Now if you plan on washing the concrete frequently, I wouldn't really put anything down. Just go in with the hose as needed & spray it down as long as you have a fairly smooth surface without a ton of cracks & holes the only thing you might need to do in addition to the water is go over it with a stiff bristled push broom while wet to loosen stuck on areas & then rinse again. You can even use soapy water (maybe antibacterial dish soap?) to help with the scrubbing.
I had my run on concrete before I moved, and it was the best for predator control. Since it was a covered run, I just put straw down. It would get wet and dissolve, so I'd add a little more on top. Once every 6 months I would shovel it all out and use the straw for compost.
Thanks everyone! This is super helpful. I think I could easily get some sand to put in there and we have LOTS of grass clippings from our huge yard that I could use as well. I think this plan may work better than I'd hoped! Maybe when we build a bigger coop, we'll use the same spot!
My coop and run are an old huge dog house and concrete run. The dog house is I guess 8x8x8 and the run (which the dog house is inside of) is 12x40. The run is constructed of a 6ft high chain link fence that is buried into the concrete slab. There will also be fencing added to the top shortly. The concrete isn't smooth and has drainage holes. Based on that information, here are my questions regarding the run ( I already have a plan for the Coop). Also keeping in mind I want what is best for the chickens and the easiest to maintain.

1. If they like it and I leave it just the concrete slab, will it hurt their feet if it gets hot.
2. If I do use sand ( I kinda like that idea) won't the sand get too hot for their feet?
3. I live in a hot, dry climate in the summer how much shade to the need (can they get

I am getting my Chicks on July 9th and I want them to be good egg layers and also my pets. So I want to make sure they are as happy as can be.

Thanks in advance for your help.

AmyT - Super Beginner

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