Confused Newbie Broody Hen Hatch.


6 Years
Mar 28, 2013
Morriston Florida
Hello! I have my first ebay eggs ( Tolbunt Polish) under a broody hen and tomorrow is Day 21. I have read on the threads that is WRONG to candle eggs this late in the game. What about being under a broody hen? Can I candle them?
Also I would like to move her and the eggs prior to hatch ( if they hatch..) to a crate to be away from the other hens ( stay in coop, small dog crate) Will moving her now screw everything up? I`m worried she could snap out of her spell if I upaset the apple cart.
So far she`s been great, just gets `x a day and nervously poops eats, drinks all the while chattering and glancing up at her nest.

Thank you in Advance,

Since it is hatch day, I wouldn't move them until the hatch is complete. It may throw your hen off and she may leave the nest in the middle of the hatch.

You could candle the eggs this late, but all you will see in a fully developed egg is a black mass with an air cell at the top. It's not necessarily wrong, but you just won't see much going on.
From what I know, you should definitely not candle them or move the eggs on day 21, it could kill them, or create physical deficiencies! Trust me I know, my friend moved the egg quite a bit on the day of the hatch, not knowing that the chick would hatch with a deformed leg, and died at a young age, and on that depressing note, I wish you good luck!!
At this stage of the game, just leave her be. Either they'll hatch or they won't. Candling won't make any difference, and moving her could cause her to abandon the nest.

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