Congestion, wheezing, sneezing, runny poop in 5 week old chick


5 Years
Apr 29, 2014
A few days ago I purchased 4 ameraucana/EE chicks from a local breeder that range from 3-5 weeks. I noticed on the 2 hour drive home with the chicks that they had diarrhea. What I didn't notice until the next day was that one is congested, wheezing, and sneezing. It sounds pretty bad. It's still active with the other chicks. I immediately put some electrolytes in their water while I searched locally for antibiotics for the respiratory illness. I was able to find Terra-Vet 10 and Vet Rx locally. I put 1/2 tablespoon in their water today and force-fed some water to the sick chick with a syringe. I put the Vet Rx on her nostrils and the roof of her mouth, as well as underneath her wings.

I know it says to do the Terra-Vet 10 for 14 days. However, will that also help with the runny poop? Should I mix electrolytes are probiotics into the water with the antibiotics?

Any tips, tricks, or advice would be much appreciated. I am keeping this flock separated from my other 6 chicks (8-10 weeks old) because I don't want to get them sick.

bump! I've been using Terra-Vet 10 for 2 weeks now (1 tbsp per gallon water) and the sick chick is still sick. I've seen mild improvement (doesn't sound or feel nearly as congested but is still sneezing and making funny sounds), and it hasn't spread to the other 3 chicks as of yet. I'm just wondering if I should stop the Terra-Vet 10 and try something else or what I need to do. I'd like to introduce these chicks to my flock soon!

It's possible that they could have infectious bronchitis which is a virus. Antibiotics won't cure it, but may help in preventing a secondary infection. Since these chicks have had diarrhea for awhile, there could be a coccidiosis infection too, although antibiotics can do this. Corid (amprollium) or sulfadimethoxine (Di-Methox, Albon, or Sulfamed G) will treat cocci. Tylan50 injectable would be a stronger medication for respiratory disease, and can be used 1/4 ml by mouth daily for 5 days (I probably would not use it as a shot in chicks this young.) Sulfadimethoxine listed above for cocci will also treat coryza, one of the many respiratory diseases. I hate to tell you this, but most respiratory diseases will make carriers of your flock, even if they are free of symptoms when you bring them all together. Here is a good link about these diseases:
Thank you so much! I read the article about respiratory diseases (and I've already read/treated by other chickens for coccidia with Corrid so I'm familiar with that). What do you mean/suggest when you say it will make carriers of my flock? My flock is strictly for personal egg production (friends and family as well). Will this affect that?

Doxycycline capsules from human pharmacy 1 g / liter of water combined with Tylosin.injection solution 1 ml / 1 liter of water for 10 days!.doxy+tylan good combinations for respiratory problems in chickens!!!

yogurt or kefir is necessarily after this treatment to restore intestinal flora
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Thank you so much! I read the article about respiratory diseases (and I've already read/treated by other chickens for coccidia with Corrid so I'm familiar with that). What do you mean/suggest when you say it will make carriers of my flock? My flock is strictly for personal egg production (friends and family as well). Will this affect that?

It means that all of the chickens will be at risk for developing this respiratory disease when they are combined. Since MG, coryza, ILT, and most of the other diseases are never cured and can come back again and again, it can be chronic. That said, as long as you don't sell birds or hatching eggs (since MG can be transmitted via hatching eggs,) you can close your flock and enjoy your chickens, but might have to treat them if the become sick again. Or your can cull the 4 new birds, disinfect with bleach solution, and after several weeks, get new birds. Many of us would not want to add birds who had just had disease symptoms to our healthy flock, since they will become carriers.
Yes I agree its just not worth it to include these 4 new birds into your flock why knowingly cause you're whole flock to become ill? You did the right thing buy keeping them seperated from the chicks you already have, if it were me I whould humanley cull these chicks as sad as this may sound this isint fair to your other birds as they will be sick for the rest of there lives and belive me it not fun to battle these things as they act like a virus and keep recuring over and over again. Instead if you want some americaunas I whould hatch my own egg or buy from a reputable goverment inspected hatchery that practices proper biosecurty good luck whatever you dicide.

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