Consistantly sticky butt?

Oncoming Storm

5 Years
Jun 3, 2019
So a couple months ago, we had a round of vent gleet run through our coop. We promptly moved the birds to a new coop, cleaned and disinfected everything, and repeatedly did epsom salt dips, cleaning, disinfecting and anti fungal creams. Most everyone has gotten rid of it but one hen will. Not. Get. Rid of it. We continued to treat her and monitor everyone else. We switched to a better feed to see if that helped and it did in some ways. Everyone got the weight back that they lost including the repeat offender but she still has a poopy butt. It’s not an abnormal color or anything and I cannot for the life of me figure out what’s causing it. I’m currently at college so I only see these birds on the weekends. Our younger birds are still kept separate from this flock just in case repeat offender is contagious or something. No other birds have a poopy butt like she does since I was last home. Any suggestions, ideas? Thoughts?
Vent gleet or yeast infection is not contagious, but never hurts to quarantine just in case.

Have you tried probiotics? We use Hydro Hen in their water every couple of weeks just for good measure. Sugar-free Greek yogurt is also very high. I ferment scratch grains which is high in both probiotics and prebiotics. There's other products you can buy for their water too.

Probiotics helps with vent gleet, and some crop and digestive issues and can help clear up diarrhea or poopy butt too.
Vent gleet or yeast infection is not contagious, but never hurts to quarantine just in case.

Have you tried probiotics? We use Hydro Hen in their water every couple of weeks just for good measure. Sugar-free Greek yogurt is also very high. I ferment scratch grains which is high in both probiotics and prebiotics. There's other products you can buy for their water too.

Probiotics helps with vent gleet, and some crop and digestive issues and can help clear up diarrhea or poopy butt too.
We haven’t done true probiotics but we supplemented their water with apple cider vinegar over the summer along with everything else. I’ll suggest this to my mom whose currently caring for the flock while I’m not at home.
So a couple months ago, we had a round of vent gleet run through our coop. We promptly moved the birds to a new coop, cleaned and disinfected everything, and repeatedly did epsom salt dips, cleaning, disinfecting and anti fungal creams. Most everyone has gotten rid of it but one hen will. Not. Get. Rid of it. We continued to treat her and monitor everyone else. We switched to a better feed to see if that helped and it did in some ways. Everyone got the weight back that they lost including the repeat offender but she still has a poopy butt. It’s not an abnormal color or anything and I cannot for the life of me figure out what’s causing it. I’m currently at college so I only see these birds on the weekends. Our younger birds are still kept separate from this flock just in case repeat offender is contagious or something. No other birds have a poopy butt like she does since I was last home. Any suggestions, ideas? Thoughts?
Good question @Auntiejessi3 When was she last dewormed?

You had a round of vent gleet with the whole flock?
Do you have a rooster - did you treat him too?

It's unusual for all hens to have Vent Gleet within a flock unless there was a common denominator like moldy feed or contaminated water.
Gleet could be spread through mating, if your rooster had it too, while there's not penetration, the cloaca's do touch/make contact so contact spread can happen.

Photos of the hen and her poop that's having a problem (vent too!)
Good question @Auntiejessi3 When was she last dewormed?

You had a round of vent gleet with the whole flock?
Do you have a rooster - did you treat him too?

It's unusual for all hens to have Vent Gleet within a flock unless there was a common denominator like moldy feed or contaminated water.
Gleet could be spread through mating, if your rooster had it too, while there's not penetration, the cloaca's do touch/make contact so contact spread can happen.

Photos of the hen and her poop that's having a problem (vent too!)
I’m not sure when the last time we wormed but I’ve never had that be an issue in the past. We do not have a rooster anymore (this started after they left) but we did have some issues with feed and had to switch around several times before she got this new feed. I’ll try to get some pictures of her tomorrow tomorrow.
Good question @Auntiejessi3 When was she last dewormed?

You had a round of vent gleet with the whole flock?
Do you have a rooster - did you treat him too?

It's unusual for all hens to have Vent Gleet within a flock unless there was a common denominator like moldy feed or contaminated water.
Gleet could be spread through mating, if your rooster had it too, while there's not penetration, the cloaca's do touch/make contact so contact spread can happen.

Photos of the hen and her poop that's having a problem (vent too!)


Here’s her poor little butt. It looks a little worse than when I saw it last week but her vent isn’t red or obviously swollen. It’s a little orangey pink but not super aggravated. Everyone else is nice and clean when I checked this morning so it’s just her. We plan to clean her up like we have been. She is acting more like herself as before her tail would droop and she would just kind of mope around. She is eating and drinking well and has gained her spunk back. We’re going to go ahead and do a round of dewormer and probiotics for everyone just to cover all of our bases.

(Also just out of curiosity, could this be partially stress related? Like I said, we moved coops and the big girls do not like this run very much even though it’s bigger, better and more enriching than the other coop. We have no idea why they liked the smaller run better but we needed it for the bbs so? Just wondering for science)
Once you get all the poop and poop balls off her, give her fluff a good trimming, see if that helps the poop from sticking so much.
Sometimes hens that are extra fluffy end up with this issue, she may be a weak pooper.

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