Consolidated Kansas

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I am just sick. We lost power in the snow storm at about 3:30 am. I've been awake most of the time since. There was nothing I could do to get heat to the brooder. I could see thousands of dollars going down the drain. I called DH at work but it was 8:00 AM before he got home and could dig out a propane heaters to put in there. Not too safe for fumes but better than no heat. It just started warming up when the power came back on about 8:30. There was no way I could have dug around in the dark and found that stuff since he wasn't sure where it was.
Unfortunately I think I lost 4 of my white rock chicks. I have them in the house under a heat lamp but they were smothered by other chicks and it doesn't look like they will recover. It broke my perfect record. All of these 50 chicks I purchased for breeding red stars, including the baby red stars had survived up until now. I also lost one barred rock but out of the hundreds in there if that is all I have to thank the lord for not loosing more. I quite honestly was afraid I would have total carnage and loose at least a thousand dollars in money invested in all those birds.
The other problem is my incubator was off and it was getting pretty chilly in the house. I had eggs to come out today and I just hope it held the heat long enough not to kill them. The hatcher was ready but it has to get warmed back up as well. I guess I will just have to wait a day or two to see if any hatch.
I don't know where my dogs are either. I noticed the snow had blown in their dog houses and they had vacated them. The wind is just whipping in circles so there is no way to keep the snow out. I just hope Cloud didn't decide to whelp.
I bought a thermometer yesterday to check her but it is still in the car. By the time I got home last night I was too tied to drag the stuff I got in the house.
I do hope my other birds are okay.They are all staying hidden....even the ducks, except the silly geese. They were out playing in their water pan earlier. I am guessing it was frozen though because the heaters don't work with no power.
I lit the gas fireplace in the front room cause it was so cold in there. It really doesn't put out much heat but the front room is on the north and it is a super cold room.
I really am afraid for some of my younger birds that had no heat like my youngest olandsk. I just hope they all did okay. This really sucks. It makes you realize how much you could loose with just a tiny problem.
I am just sick. We lost power in the snow storm at about 3:30 am. I've been awake most of the time since. There was nothing I could do to get heat to the brooder. I could see thousands of dollars going down the drain. I called DH at work but it was 8:00 AM before he got home and could dig out a propane heaters to put in there. Not too safe for fumes but better than no heat. It just started warming up when the power came back on about 8:30. There was no way I could have dug around in the dark and found that stuff since he wasn't sure where it was.
Unfortunately I think I lost 4 of my white rock chicks. I have them in the house under a heat lamp but they were smothered by other chicks and it doesn't look like they will recover. It broke my perfect record. All of these 50 chicks I purchased for breeding red stars, including the baby red stars had survived up until now. I also lost one barred rock but out of the hundreds in there if that is all I have to thank the lord for not loosing more. I quite honestly was afraid I would have total carnage and loose at least a thousand dollars in money invested in all those birds.
The other problem is my incubator was off and it was getting pretty chilly in the house. I had eggs to come out today and I just hope it held the heat long enough not to kill them. The hatcher was ready but it has to get warmed back up as well. I guess I will just have to wait a day or two to see if any hatch.
I don't know where my dogs are either. I noticed the snow had blown in their dog houses and they had vacated them. The wind is just whipping in circles so there is no way to keep the snow out. I just hope Cloud didn't decide to whelp.
I bought a thermometer yesterday to check her but it is still in the car. By the time I got home last night I was too tied to drag the stuff I got in the house.
I do hope my other birds are okay.They are all staying hidden....even the ducks, except the silly geese. They were out playing in their water pan earlier. I am guessing it was frozen though because the heaters don't work with no power.
I lit the gas fireplace in the front room cause it was so cold in there. It really doesn't put out much heat but the front room is on the north and it is a super cold room.
I really am afraid for some of my younger birds that had no heat like my youngest olandsk. I just hope they all did okay. This really sucks. It makes you realize how much you could loose with just a tiny problem.
Good thing it came back on, I hope everything wams back up and gets back to normal. This weather is just nasty today. Take a deep breathe and just do what you can. All will be ok.
It sure makes me rethink things. I have so much invested in my birds and it's way too easy to loose it all. I guess if they were all older I wouldn't have to worry as much. I still like fall hatching though. I think this is one of those days I am going to be inside as much as I can! I'm not even excited about feeding and watering!
All ads must be in the Buy Sell Trade forum, please.

edited by staff
I thought one of the purposes of a "local" thread was sharing local interests and finding birds and eggs locally so it would be easier to obtain them. Am I wrong? It is hard to find a specific bird/eggs close when the ads are from ALL parts of the country or world. Shipping can be prohibitive for some people for many reasons.
It would work so much better if the buy, sale, trade forum had the ability to be searched for particular items or location.
I'm not feeling good at all. I sure hope it just lack of sleep and stress. I am feeling sick to my stomach. I swear if my trip out to the real world yesterday, gave me the stomach flu I will probably never go shopping again! I was trying very hard not to touch things but it is so hard to shop. I had one cashier that touched my hand numerous times making change and it just creeped me out thinking if she did that with everyone the germs she could be spreading. Of course I didn't have any hand sanitizer with me.
Lizzy-- oh my!! It was nice and warm today! NO WIND to speak of!! It was really over cast, but honestly, this was a great day! I got lots done outside and got my grain barrels filled up for the horses in prep for the cold weather that might be coming. Didnt want to be hauling tons of grain in the cold. Even though at some point I know I will be. I only got about 800 lbs this time. I should have gotten more, but I didn't take my truck. I should probably go back and fill the other bin up and take the truck. Sorry you are cold and snowy out there. Although.... at this point, I'd go for some snow just for the moisture alone! It's been insanely dry.
We, too, desperately needed the moisture. Yesterday's snow and the .05" of rain a couple days ago are the only moisture we've had since this spring. We had white-out conditions here yesterday evening and winds that were gusting to 55 mph. The wind chill was in the single digits yesterday at about 4pm MST and fell after that. This morning, even my horses were shivering. I brushed the ice/snow off of 'em and put a horse blanket on the one that was shivering the worst (I only have one blanket - bought it at a garage sale for $2). When I went out yesterday, I had on 6-8 long-sleeved shirts/sweaters, plus a quilted flannel shirt and a carhartt coat. I also had on wool socks, heavy gloves, an ear warmer and a wool hat. The only thing that was showing was my face, and I was really wishing I owned a ski mask. It was downright COLD out there. When I did chores yesterday evening, I gave my birds fresh water, just like usual. My silly birds didn't seem to mind that it was 20*F outside with a 7*F wind chill. They were trying to take a bath in their water bowl, despite the cold! Silly birds!
Keeping chicks warm - A real concern when the modern method is to use electricity. I have seen the reusable hand warmers that can be reset and used many times. I have thought about and now intend to get some for emergencies as well as a bit of comfort when working outside. They are a bit pricey to buy, but knowing they can be reused helps.

In the past, I saw how someone used saw dust to create heat for an incubator. I can't find it now. Anyone know anything about it? The basics as I remember was to get the sawdust wet and it would heat up, so when it dried out/cooled off, you would just get it wet again. Seems like it could be an option for keeping chicks warm in an emergency.
SO then I get home and I have an email. I am SO done with scammers. I lost about $50 trying to appease this one gal that said she got the wrong product and she is still complaining because the postal service hasn't delivered the new product to her yet. Not my fault. Anyway I had a message from a gal saying she hadn't received her Lemax item yet. I looked up the confirmation and it said it was delivered yesterday so I wrote her back and told her and advised her to contact her postman.
She wrote me back and is demanding I send her all her money back and send her the item again. You have got to be kidding me! I told her that delivery confirmation showed it was delivered and I had done my part. That I didn't have access into USPS system to fake a delivery, so she'd better talk to him.. not me. I invited her to file a dispute if she wasn't happy. I am so sick of people wanting to get something for nothing. Of course it doesn't help I had two bogus charges show up on my credit card in the last month either!
It's no wonder people get crabby during the holidays if every one has to deal with a bunch of dishonest nasty people. It makes me appreciate staying home with my chickens even more.
You are sure making me want to not sell on eBay. I don't sell that often but it just makes it seem totally not worth it to even try.

I am just sick. We lost power in the snow storm at about 3:30 am. I've been awake most of the time since. There was nothing I could do to get heat to the brooder. I could see thousands of dollars going down the drain. I called DH at work but it was 8:00 AM before he got home and could dig out a propane heaters to put in there. Not too safe for fumes but better than no heat. It just started warming up when the power came back on about 8:30. There was no way I could have dug around in the dark and found that stuff since he wasn't sure where it was.
Unfortunately I think I lost 4 of my white rock chicks. I have them in the house under a heat lamp but they were smothered by other chicks and it doesn't look like they will recover. It broke my perfect record. All of these 50 chicks I purchased for breeding red stars, including the baby red stars had survived up until now. I also lost one barred rock but out of the hundreds in there if that is all I have to thank the lord for not loosing more. I quite honestly was afraid I would have total carnage and loose at least a thousand dollars in money invested in all those birds.
The other problem is my incubator was off and it was getting pretty chilly in the house. I had eggs to come out today and I just hope it held the heat long enough not to kill them. The hatcher was ready but it has to get warmed back up as well. I guess I will just have to wait a day or two to see if any hatch.
I don't know where my dogs are either. I noticed the snow had blown in their dog houses and they had vacated them. The wind is just whipping in circles so there is no way to keep the snow out. I just hope Cloud didn't decide to whelp.
I bought a thermometer yesterday to check her but it is still in the car. By the time I got home last night I was too tied to drag the stuff I got in the house.
I do hope my other birds are okay.They are all staying hidden....even the ducks, except the silly geese. They were out playing in their water pan earlier. I am guessing it was frozen though because the heaters don't work with no power.
I lit the gas fireplace in the front room cause it was so cold in there. It really doesn't put out much heat but the front room is on the north and it is a super cold room.
I really am afraid for some of my younger birds that had no heat like my youngest olandsk. I just hope they all did okay. This really sucks. It makes you realize how much you could loose with just a tiny problem.

I'm so sorry. I hope they are all okay.
It would work so much better if the buy, sale, trade forum had the ability to be searched for particular items or location.
I'm not feeling good at all. I sure hope it just lack of sleep and stress. I am feeling sick to my stomach. I swear if my trip out to the real world yesterday, gave me the stomach flu I will probably never go shopping again! I was trying very hard not to touch things but it is so hard to shop. I had one cashier that touched my hand numerous times making change and it just creeped me out thinking if she did that with everyone the germs she could be spreading. Of course I didn't have any hand sanitizer with me.
After the last trip to town I had one of those nasty bugs that cost me misery and time. I wish I could figure a way to NEVER go into a store. I now have two places I need to purchase things from that I don't ever go inside the store. I love good customer service.

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