Consolidated Kansas

Just popping in to say a quick hi. Still no internet. Gotta love Pixius
. Anyone has internet through them? Cox cable is not available, AT&T U-verse internet is only up to 3 mbps downstream. Since I work from home from time to time, I need faster internet speed.

Still moving. I don't think I'll move again for a very long time. Typing on the phone is no fun so I'll just read and not post till Pixius resolves the internet issue. Plus autocorrect messes up with what I type.

Just popping in to say a quick hi. Still no internet. Gotta love Pixius :he .  Anyone has internet through them? Cox cable is not available, AT&T U-verse internet is only up to 3 mbps downstream. Since I work from home from time to time, I need faster internet speed
I know what you mean about the Internet , we're trying the Verizon receiver right now . It's better since we moved it out of the attic. That has to be one of the biggest drawbacks of living out in the country . My FIL up in Omaha gets basic cable and Internet with unlimited data for about $30.00 a month , gee that sounds nice. We usually have to go stand by the window on one foot to use a cellphone but they don't work good enough to get rid of the land line.?
With rainy weather and kids out of school I know my hands are full, maybe everybody is outside building an ark.
Just popping in to say a quick hi. Still no internet. Gotta love Pixius
. Anyone has internet through them? Cox cable is not available, AT&T U-verse internet is only up to 3 mbps downstream. Since I work from home from time to time, I need faster internet speed.

Still moving. I don't think I'll move again for a very long time. Typing on the phone is no fun so I'll just read and not post till Pixius resolves the internet issue. Plus autocorrect messes up with what I type.

We have Pixius and haven't been too unhappy with them. My DH also works from home and due to the type of work he does he needs really fast upload and download speeds, so we have the max plan with Pixius that gives us close to Cox speeds. It is pricey though, to have that plan. Ultimately we would like to get Cox but it isn't available in our area either. It is close by and they offered to install it to our house if we paid them $40K. Needless to say, we declined their generous offer.
We have Pixius and haven't been too unhappy with them. My DH also works from home and due to the type of work he does he needs really fast upload and download speeds, so we have the max plan with Pixius that gives us close to Cox speeds. It is pricey though, to have that plan. Ultimately we would like to get Cox but it isn't available in our area either. It is close by and they offered to install it to our house if we paid them $40K. Needless to say, we declined their generous offer.

I am in the same boat you ladies are... except that Satellite internet (I have HughesNet) is the only option out here, outside of dial-up. I work from home so I have to have a decent internet connection. HughesNet meets my needs, but the download limit can get to be REALLY annoying REALLY fast! The local ISP for this area has a point-to-point internet solution out here, but you have to have line-of-sight to one of their points. We live in a deep valley and, therefore, can't use that either. They said that we could install a relay point but that we'd have to provide all of the hardware, plus the phone line, plus the electricity, plus a building to put all of the hardware in. Sounds pretty expensive to me.

So, I was just trying to finish up my work day when I looked out my office window. There, lounging on the side of the black rubber bucket I fill with water for my birds to play in, was one of the biggest bull snakes I've seen in quite some time! Around here, you always double check what kind of snake it is if it is brown with diamonds b/c we have rattlers and they look SO MUCH alike! I went out and double checked to make sure it was a bull snake. Sure enough, it was, but it was BIG! I'm guessing around 5' long. Kinda freaky seeing it in the yard so close to the house. I REALLY dislike snake season! I'm just happy that we've been seeing so many more bull snakes this year and quite a bit fewer rattlesnakes than last year. They look so much alike that they make your heart skip a beat no matter which one you see though... We REALLY need to get the riding mower fixed. Our yard is getting to be WAY too tempting for them!
I hated Hughes Net. They were constantly dumping us back to dial speed with no warning, and I can't control how much my work connection downloads to my computer. I have Verizon JetPack and it is OK, not any slower than Hughes Net although not any more reliable.

I need to get my pictures of my mini chicken enclosure for my mini chickens posted soon. Just too busy to play on the computer much lately.
Just popping in to say a quick hi. Still no internet. Gotta love Pixius
. Anyone has internet through them? Cox cable is not available, AT&T U-verse internet is only up to 3 mbps downstream. Since I work from home from time to time, I need faster internet speed.

Still moving. I don't think I'll move again for a very long time. Typing on the phone is no fun so I'll just read and not post till Pixius resolves the internet issue. Plus autocorrect messes up with what I type.

I have had HughesNet for a year now (only real option here) and have loved it a lot. Even during the snow/thunder storms we've had recently, I've only lost service one time ever and even then, it came back within about 10 minutes. I don't do a lot of heavy internetting (watching movies, etc..) so, it meets all my needs and I'm very happy with it.
Have I ever told you guys that I really don't like snakes?!? After seeing the snake earlier today, I decided to go out and push mow more of the yard (our riding mower still isn't running). While I was mowing, I had a scary stick (too snake-like) jump out at me, as well as a BIG mouse (or was it a rat???). I told the dog to "get" the mouse, and he was successful for once. After mowing for about an hour, I came back in. I checked BYC and the forecast and decided that I should probably check on my birds. I went back outside, checked on my birds and was walking down the sidewalk towards the house when I noticed a snake right beside me! I about jumped out of my skin. It scared the bejeebers out of me, even after I realized it was "only" a bull snake. As I was trying to keep the dog away from the snake, the phone rang, so I ran inside to get it. I stood on the back step talking on the phone, only to see ANOTHER snake not far from the other one (that was still there). That's a total of THREE snakes in one day! I'm so glad that they've all been bull snakes, but I still have to walk out to the pasture and get the horses. And now I'm really paranoid about seeing snakes! These bull snakes have been sneaking up on me WAY too easily recently, and it is rather scary to think of how easy it would be for them to be rattlers and not "just" bull snakes. Argggh!

I wasn't feeling well last night and so didn't really get to sleep until about 1:30am. I usually have "snake dreams" after seeing one snake, much less three. WAY too many snakes for one day! *shudder*

Well, I am done procrastinating. I need to walk out and get the horses. *gulp* It's about now that I wish I could fly. :) Or, that I owned a 4-wheeler or something to make it safer to go get the horses.
Well, my possibly fertile eggs are in the incubator (thanks Danz) and the turner is keeping them moving.

The great experiment is off and running. Butch is a little better today (not much better, but he got up on the roost to sleep by himself tonight), but I'm hoping for a Lil' Butch out of this hatch. If very many actually are fertile and hatch, I'll be in trouble for space, but oh, well. That's chicken math for you. My DH says either they will all (18) hatch, or none of them will hatch, and I suspect he is right (to a degree).

Wish me luck.
Things have been rough here this week. Realized Sunday morning I have cocci in one coop. With all the rain we were getting I couldn't keep things dry inside even though we were changing the bedding more often than we ever have before. I have already had a fox get two of my SFH this year and so haven't been letting the chickens out as much but decided to let them out this evening when I got home. I asked my daughter to go lock them up around 8 but I guess they were still outside so she didn't get them locked up and then I started hearing the chickens squacking and I look out my bedroom window to see a fox about 10 feet away in my driveway with a BR in its mouth! I start yelling and waving my arms and it dropped it and ran to the edge of the corn field to the north and stood there and watched me while I'm shouting at my husband to GET THE GUN!!! IT WAS STILL LIGHT, MY KIDS WERE RUNNING IN AND OUT OF THE HOUSE! That is one brave fox. We think she had a den in my neighbors barn. And besides all that, I lost a cochin chick yesterday. I think it's a calgon kinda day.

So the chickens have been on corid since Sunday but one rooster has still got bloody stools, any suggestions on what else to do? He is still eating and drinking and looks ok overall but I'm sure he feels rough. Also, how long after treatment do we need to throw the eggs away?

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