Consolidated Kansas

Remember my last hatch? One of 48 hatched due to the excessively fluffy bums of my birdies? WELL -- I have a pip!!!!!
It's a bit early -- due to hatch on Wednesday, but don't even care. I'm so happy to see some action in that incubator.

Are you confused about something we said or confused because there are different answers? There are different answers because poultry keeping is not an exact science. Most people without BYC have to learn by trial and error and end up losing birds and giving up. We have the privilege of learning from many experienced poultry keepers, whose advice and opinions vary. My uncle (not on BYC) got an electric fence for his birds because he heard I had one. The birds got shocked and stopped laying so he got rid of them thinking they would never lay again. I can't tell you how many silly mistakes I've made over the years (and would much rather tell you my uncle's than my own) that were many times correctible and other times not.

On BYC when you find someone whose poultry keeping you respect, then you really believe in their methods. In my case, I've known Danz and Trish and respect their methods and listen to them. Although I have a bunch of Valbazen I've been using up, I would very much like something less expensive. I used to have more birds than I do now. In Danz's case, who literally has had 100's of birds for years, when she finds something that is as inexpensive as possible and as effective as possible, she really believes in it and she has so much experience, I believe in her. It really is okay for people to have different opinions.

It seems like you are sort of like my husband who gets stressed out trying to find the ultimate best answer and want a consensus on what that best answer is. There are many degrees of right answers and if you decide you trust your friend's advice, what can it hurt to try it? You have the pour-on. Try it and if it doesn't work, try something else in a week. If you don't have that many birds it can't be that expensive to switch gears, should you be unhappy with the result. If it works, then you've learned something very valuable. If it doesn't work, then you've learned something very valuable. It's okay to do something we haven't recommended. We're not like the chicken police who are going to come arrest you.
We will be interested in your results and supportive, always.

It's okay, hang in there!
I think its just because of everywhere you look there are different options on how to treat, but I guess that is with everything.

Thank you for your support. You are dead right on the stressed out part. I hate doing things wrong! I appreciate your kind words!
I think its just because of everywhere you look there are different options on how to treat, but I guess that is with everything.

Thank you for your support. You are dead right on the stressed out part. I hate doing things wrong! I appreciate your kind words! 

Hang in there! I'm with you on the hating doing things wrong. I lost one of my precious brahma chicks today and I've had a hard time just letting it go and not agonizing over every little thing that I could possibly have done differently. :( DH has been really sweet and told me we'd have to replace it when we got the chance and that I did the best I could and knew. Guess it's a learning experience.
Hang in there! I'm with you on the hating doing things wrong. I lost one of my precious brahma chicks today and I've had a hard time just letting it go and not agonizing over every little thing that I could possibly have done differently.
DH has been really sweet and told me we'd have to replace it when we got the chance and that I did the best I could and knew. Guess it's a learning experience.
So sorry to hear about your chick :( That is never easy!
@Momma2bellas what a clever idea to use an old Pack n' Play for your brooder! I bet your daycare kids get a huge kick out of watching the chicks, too!

@ashncarson I have learned so much from reading the responses to your worming questions. I have not found a chicken vet around Wichita, either. The two avian vets that are listed here in Wichita work at the zoo. I haven't yet called there to see if they'd be willing to take a chicken patient, but I will surely call them and find out next time I need chicken help if the answer goes beyond the scope of the information in these forums.

@TaraBellaBirds , whereabouts in SW Kansas do you live? I was born and raised in Ulysses, and I also lived in Hugoton for about 3 years as an adult.

@jennyjane73 , even though we technically live in Sedgwick County, we have a Wichita zip code. Nice to see another Wichitan on here!

@Trish44 , I purchased our Blue Ameraucana from She's absolutely beautiful, and we named her "Cheeky" because of her hilarious puffs on her cheeks. Cheeky is almost 7 months old and hasn't started laying yet. I also remember reading somewhere that some unscrupulous sellers try to pass off Easter Eggers or Araucanas for true Ameraucanas by spelling Ameraucana "Americana" or some other wrong spelling to mislead buyers. Not cool.

Cheeky, Our Blue Ameraucana
@Momma2bellas what a clever idea to use an old Pack n' Play for your brooder! I bet your daycare kids get a huge kick out of watching the chicks, too! @ashncarson I have learned so much from reading the responses to your worming questions. I have not found a chicken vet around Wichita, either. The two avian vets that are listed here in Wichita work at the zoo. I haven't yet called there to see if they'd be willing to take a chicken patient, but I will surely call them and find out next time I need chicken help if the answer goes beyond the scope of the information in these forums. @TaraBellaBirds , whereabouts in SW Kansas do you live? I was born and raised in Ulysses, and I also lived in Hugoton for about 3 years as an adult. @jennyjane73 , even though we technically live in Sedgwick County, we have a Wichita zip code. Nice to see another Wichitan on here! @Trish44 , I purchased our Blue Ameraucana from She's absolutely beautiful, and we named her "Cheeky" because of her hilarious puffs on her cheeks. Cheeky is almost 7 months old and hasn't started laying yet. I also remember reading somewhere that some unscrupulous sellers try to pass off Easter Eggers or Araucanas for true Ameraucanas by spelling Ameraucana "Americana" or some other wrong spelling to mislead buyers. Not cool. Cheeky, Our Blue Ameraucana
I'm about an hour northeast of Ulysses. Some of my husbands family lives there and we have friends in that area. I'm loving the second pic ot your little girl and Cheeky! That's an adorable pic! I can hardly wait til my Ameraucanas are that old! I'm getting notifications again! :celebrate
@ashncarson I have learned so much from reading the responses to your worming questions. I have not found a chicken vet around Wichita, either. The two avian vets that are listed here in Wichita work at the zoo. I haven't yet called there to see if they'd be willing to take a chicken patient, but I will surely call them and find out next time I need chicken help if the answer goes beyond the scope of the information in these forums.
I was told by our vet to check with The Purple Wildcat in South Hutch, so I might check with them!
I have one Buff Sussex chick this morning
, one zipping, and 7 pips! Hatching day isn't even till tomorrow so I think my temp was a bit high. I'll adjust that next time.

My Silver Appleyard ducklings from Holderread's are supposed to be here today, so I certainly hope they make it. Their brooder is all ready to go. I've waited a long time for these guys and am excited they are finally arriving!

I will take pics later once they've arrived and are settled.

Have any of you ever ordered White Rocks? I got two separate batches, one from Cackle Hatchery and one from Murray McMurray. Those birds are absolutely the flightiest birds I've ever owned. They are just downright mean. When I am watching them, inevitably one or two of the males will fly at my face with both feet! They are only 5 weeks old and I can't even imagine what they will be like as adults. I won't ever own White Rocks again. Just way too wild.

ashncarson, Thanks so much for the pics. I love pics! I especially like the one with the chick sitting on the mama's shoulder! So cute!

prairie fleur, Your daughter is so amazingly beautiful I could hardly take my eyes off her to look at the bird! The bird is pretty too but your daughter is gorgeous. I have 5 daughters, the youngest is 10 and the other 4 are teens and I just wonder where on earth the time went. Seems like yesterday...

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