Consolidated Kansas

I found the information interesting and since Danz spent the time to explain i spent the time to digest it. (I used the click if you think this is helpful button bravo!)

Here is an excellent thread on shell less and stuck eggs in peahens. You are lucky she passed it, quite a few peahens die from being egg bound and it is hard to pass an egg without a hard shell.

Giving her the calcium gluconate is a good first step.
Wanted to thank you again for the thread. I didn't find what I was looking for exactly but the information helped me to know what to do.

Tough morning at our house. The boys went out to open the pop door and let the chickens out around 8:30, only to find another dead chicken and one that was dying. Brahma Mama II died in my youngest son's arms, and it was REALLY upsetting for he and my 8-year-old daughter.
Both were our youngest chicks...7-week-olds. We did notice the Brahma acting a little puffed up and less active in the coop yesterday.

I don't feel like I am out of the woods with more deaths yet, because I am concerned that there may be a few (that are all puffed up and less active) that may have been too far gone before I got the medicine to them. Interestingly, my oldest hens do not show any signs of sickness. I am guessing that this may be because they have lived in the coop WAY longer and have been exposed to the cocci present in their habitat long enough to develop an immunity? I also think that, if I am dealing with coccidiosis (which I'm almost sure of at this point), that the recent wet weather has just allowed the cocci to flourish.

I now need to figure out how to prevent another outbreak (based on the life cycle of the cocci), so that shed cocci do not just reinfect the flock. Will they be immune to this once the treatment is complete, or is there a risk of them being affected again by the same cocci that have sickened them?
Hopefully they'll develop the immunity to the disease by being infected. Don't give up hope on the fluffed up birds. Corid works really fast. If I had a bird that wasn't actively eating and drinking I would give them a dose with a dropper or a syringe one on one. If they are assured of getting it in their systems they should recover.
Make sure the area is as dry as it can be. I recommend lysol type disinfectant sprayed thouroghly and then fresh dry bedding. You will need to change it again soon as well because there will be more oocysts left behind.Treat the water with the curing dose of Corid for 5 days for sure. Another day or two won't hurt either. Make sure that is the only water they have access to. Also if they can get out and get fresh air and sunshine it will help them a ton.
I am wondering if anyone has ideas on what mixture this little guy might be. They are 8 weeks told tomorrow

All of the roosters from where the eggs came from our wyandottes minus one buff orp. The hens are wyandottes australorps buffs and a new Hampshire.

I am guessing he is a australorp mixture?
He looks very austrolorp. If you have a buff orp rooster I would guess he is the father. I don't see Wyandotte traits in him in this yellow to his legs and no wyandotte comb.

I have climbed over my design/build mountain and will finish my incubator tonight. I'm going to set some lavender orphingtons next week. Happy thursday to you guys hopefully these peahen and chicken expiring issues will work out today as well. Wishing you the best!

Very nice looking incubator. Looks very professional. I have to comment though. You used one of my biggest pet peeves in your post. Sorry... but several of us cringe when we hear or see that.
The Orpington chicken was originally developed by William Cook, who lived in Orpington, Kent England.
They are Or-Ping-tons. Not Or-fing-tons.
I'm not being a smart A**. I just think if you raise a bird you should call it what it is. I've had so many customers come and want to buy Orphingtons. I repeat the right pronunciation but they never seem to catch it. I've even seen it mispelled in places like Orshlens.
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@KsKingBee , Sorry to interupt the discussion but I have another problem. I have been trying to scan the thread you posted and haven't found the answer. I noticed a different peahen hanging wings and eating an egg. I saw no egg shell and their is egg goo on her back rear feathers. I am afraid she broke an egg inside before it hatched. What is really weird is there are only two hens in that pen and there were three eggs and the broken one. I just checked it yesterday AM and there were no eggs.
I can give her the calcium etc but don't know what to do about the broken egg. I have no way of knowing if it broke inside of her. She isn't one of my tamer birds.

I am trying to remember what they did about an internally broken egg. I think there was some discussion about irrigating... not sure.

@q8peafowl lost his bird if I am not mistaken. If anybody knows @casportpony would and hopefully she will be along in a bit.

As far as a hen laying two eggs in a day, well it's not unheard of, but usually they are a bit miss-shapened as they are bumping each other as the shell is forming. I gotta run, have a swarm to go catch!
I am needing some advice..

My chickens are pretty crowded right now, waiting on moving the chicks out (8 weeks old now) since my aunt it taking their time building a coop. The mom hen and the aunt had been sharing the raising the last 4 weeks, but this past week the aunt has gone like psycho chicken. She is attacking everyone and even the babies.

Right now she is the only chicken on the main roost, she wont let ANYONE up,even the the other older hens...

5 babies are trying to crowd in with mom into a empty nest box and everyone else is trying to find other roosting spots.

What is going on, could it be due to the overcrowding? I am hoping to get the extra chicks out this weekend.

Tough morning at our house.  The boys went out to open the pop door and let the chickens out around 8:30, only to find another dead chicken and one that was dying.  Brahma Mama II died in my youngest son's arms, and it was REALLY upsetting for he and my 8-year-old daughter.  :(  Both were our youngest chicks...7-week-olds.  We did notice the Brahma acting a little puffed up and less active in the coop yesterday.  

I dropped the kids off at swim team at 9 and went straight to Atwoods for the Corid, and then home to get the medicated water to them.  @KsKingBee
, I used that useful Backyard Chickens thread you provided, plus the manufacturer's website per @chicken danz
 suggestion.  I put in the active infection dosage.

I don't feel like I am out of the woods with more deaths yet, because I am concerned that there may be a few (that are all puffed up and less active) that may have been too far gone before I got the medicine to them.  Interestingly, my oldest hens do not show any signs of sickness.  I am guessing that this may be because they have lived in the coop WAY longer and have been exposed to the cocci present in their habitat long enough to develop an immunity?  I also think that, if I am dealing with coccidiosis (which I'm almost sure of at this point), that the recent wet weather has just allowed the cocci to flourish.  

I now need to figure out how to prevent another outbreak (based on the life cycle of the cocci), so that shed cocci do not just reinfect the flock.  Will they be immune to this once the treatment is complete, or is there a risk of them being affected again by the same cocci that have sickened them?       

Grain gypsy, Not sure if u caught it or not but u need to individually dose each bird that is off asap! Not just in the water. Good luck and sure hope all are going to be ok.

Oh and not sure if you guys have read, 3 private chicken/fowl/bird keepers have had there flocks euthanized due to ordering eggs from a NPIP place in South Dakota that turned out to test positive for AI, even though there eggs being incubated showed negative as well as their flocks! Same situation as John only they actually went thru with killing their birds. Very sad. Here in Kansas. :(
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Danz i wont call them Orphingtons i didnt know.
in retort though as all should know. Its not orschlens.

I make a great many mistakes constantly this removing the h thing is going to take me a bit forgive me :D

LOL well I guess I make that mistake all the time! I honestly didn't want to sound like I was scolding you. I'm a bit OCD and things like that drive me insane. I make plenty of mistakes and they seem to carry for a lifetime. We used to laugh at my Mom. She was the world's worst for mispronouncing things. It seems if she said it wrong once it stuck in her head no matter how many times you corrected her. (I'd give so much to be able to to laugh at that some more.)
The funniest thing I think she ever referred to was anise oil. She called it anus oil!!

@thndrdancr , been wondering about you. Glad to see you back. Hope you and your sister are all well now.
Another busy day yesterday. After I finished all my have to get done stuff here I went to my friends to help decorate for the wedding reception. It really looks good but there is so much more to get done. I was there until after 9:00 PM. I should go help some more today but I have a ton of things I just have to get done here. We'll see.
My bucket came for my Bobcat and of course the driver was a couple hours later than he said he would be. If I knew those things ahead of time I could get a lot more done. I'm planning to sell several roosters for meat this weekend. I really hate to do it but it will help reduce some numbers. I have so many young ones that aren't ready to go yet. I sure hope to sell more of those for breeders.
I did let my customers know I am raising egg and rooster prices. I hate to do it but I really have to. Since I have taken such a hit on selling chicks this spring, I really have no choice but to raise prices closer to the going market.
I have a pesky owl that is picking off ducks every night. I sure wish I could stand to sit up all night and at least frighten him away. He is wise in that he waits for the dogs to be off chasing some other predator then swoops in.
LOL well I guess I make that mistake all the time! I honestly didn't want to sound like I was scolding you. I'm a bit OCD and things like that drive me insane. I make plenty of mistakes and they seem to carry for a lifetime. We used to laugh at my Mom. She was the world's worst for mispronouncing things. It seems if she said it wrong once it stuck in her head no matter how many times you corrected her. (I'd give so much to be able to to laugh at that some more.)
The funniest thing I think she ever referred to was anise oil. She called it anus oil!!

@thndrdancr , been wondering about you. Glad to see you back. Hope you and your sister are all well now.
Another busy day yesterday. After I finished all my have to get done stuff here I went to my friends to help decorate for the wedding reception. It really looks good but there is so much more to get done. I was there until after 9:00 PM. I should go help some more today but I have a ton of things I just have to get done here. We'll see.
My bucket came for my Bobcat and of course the driver was a couple hours later than he said he would be. If I knew those things ahead of time I could get a lot more done. I'm planning to sell several roosters for meat this weekend. I really hate to do it but it will help reduce some numbers. I have so many young ones that aren't ready to go yet. I sure hope to sell more of those for breeders.
I did let my customers know I am raising egg and rooster prices. I hate to do it but I really have to. Since I have taken such a hit on selling chicks this spring, I really have no choice but to raise prices closer to the going market.
I have a pesky owl that is picking off ducks every night. I sure wish I could stand to sit up all night and at least frighten him away. He is wise in that he waits for the dogs to be off chasing some other predator then swoops in.

Danz, I am still having good luck keeping owls away by using cheep solar lights. I have them at different height in my poultry lots. The only loss I have had this year was in an area where I did not have the lights. I have guineas and turkeys that roost on top of 6 foot chain link pens. I am convinced that it is the bright light that messes with their night vision.
I hadn't heard that more people had to destroy flocks. I agree with you sharol, I don't understand if the eggs or chicks had not had contact with the flock why they didn't just destroy the eggs & be done with it. That's like burning down the barn to kill the mice or something like that. I'm not ordering in any more hatching eggs this year for sure. I'm almost done hatching this year anyway other than my last 6 duck eggs & 28 guinea eggs & then my incubator & hatcher will get a good cleaning & a rest for the rest of the year. I sure hope this stuff runs it's course & gets over with.

Danz that was funny about the anise oil! I know we pronounce it differently here than some do but not like that, lol.

I got stuck with some extra Ancona ducklings if anyone is interested. I have 5 that were hatched on 6/5 that are ready for new homes. They've been outside & don't need heat. These are a breed on the endangered list & are a non-flying duck so you don't have to worry about them flying off.

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