Consolidated Kansas

@thndrdancr , I noticed that several people mentioned dosing individually. Before I read those comments, I was trying to work out in my mind how I could make sure they all had some water. I finally just decided to sit in the coop for a while and make sure all of the chickens drank. It was fairly easy, because every time they see me take anything out of the coop, or bring something in, they have to come and investigate and try it. It was this way when I brought the medicated water in. The mostly-healthy ones went at it first, then my ailing chicks came in when it was safe and all drank. I had to help our Polish FIND the water (hair--feather--thing), but once I put her down on the water ledge, she drank, too.

All of my birds seem to be doing better today. There are still a couple who are fluffed up a bit, but they are actually more active (especially in eating and drinking). My next steps are to continue medicated them for the remainder of the active infection dosage time, then continue with a small dosage until the oocysts have run their full life-cycle course. And, of course, I need to disinfect the coop just to be sure.

@chicken danz and @coleco , y'all are cracking me UP with the mispronunciation/misspelling thing!
You don't know how many times I've asked the Good Lord to, "PLEASE, Jesus, help me to have prudence not to flip out and correct this person's pronunciation or grammar!" I don't necessarily get too tense about social media issues, because there are SO many typos and grammer issues, that I would have had a nervous breakdown by now if I let them get to me. Newspapers and online news mistakes drive me crazy. Also, books. Nothing stinks more than reading through an amazing book and finding a little ol' typo on page 132.
I can't even read my hometown newspaper without breaking into a sweat because of typos and general sloppy writing! My husband doesn't escape my pronunciation Nazi, though. He cannot say the word Vietnamese. He says Vietmanese. I privately correct him every time, but I just pray that if he ever speaks to a Vietnamese person, that they will have the patience and grace to look past the guffaw.

@girlsnammo ,
! I want to extend a hearty welcome to our group. I, too, live in Wichita (Wichita zip code, but outside city limits and technically in the county). I've been doing the chicken thing for less than a year. I am married with four kids. We have 27 chickens. I LOVE the Abbyville Rodeo. Actually, I love rodeos in general, and especially PBR. People use abbreviations for chicken breeds on Backyard Chickens forums, and every time I see the abbreviation PBR (Plymouth Barred Rock) I automatically think Professional Bull Riders. I grew up in Kansas, and (in the past) lived in Hutchinson, Haven, and then between Haven and Yoder. I'm thinking you might like to hunt, based on your handle. I shoot archery and my husband and boys (heck, even my 14-year-old daughter) love all shooting sports. I only know how to use an old 16-gauge, single shot gun in our safe. My husband trained me to use it when we first lived on the farm for safety. I am comfortable shooting it, but I am still more comfortable with my bow.

Well, we named another hen this week. Our 8-month-old black Jersey Giant is a sweet, sweet, girl, but she is very vocal--to the point of hilarity. I decided I should name her something that is relevant to New Jersey. I looked up famous people from New Jersey. The only person on the list I knew and liked was Queen Latifah. I've always thought Queen Latifah was hilarious (I especially liked her in the move Rush Hour), and our Jersey's funny, no-nonsense antics made her a good Queen Latifah, I thought. It is so nice to have a name to call her now, because we can now have proper "conversations!"
I love your posts.

I identify with the "grammar nazi" thing. I need a t-shirt that says that, but they didn't print the one a year ago (on Shirt.woot) that was most appropriate. I got one that says I am a member of the "Cosa Nostra Gramatica" (If you miss a typo, the errorists win). I still liked the other one better, but it didn't get enough votes to be published. I cringe when I read our local paper. I think they depend on grammar check and spell check, and some of the errors are awful. They need to hire back the copy editor, I think.
I thought I'd post a couple of pictures of my little Araucanas.

Sorry they are a little blurry. They looked good on my phone screen.

I have 6 araucana chicks. 5 are black, one is gray (the one with the hen), 5 are rumpless (the gray one seems to have a bit of a tail, though she won't let me near it), 2 have distinct tufts and a 3rd may have tufts. I gave them some scrambled egg yesterday and they had a great time chasing each other around with it. Think pullet, you all.

Is there any way to sex Araucanas?
Sharol, I'm surprised you got so many dark colored Araucanas. I've been getting lots of light colored ones from that breeding group. With the black hens they don't seem to follow the BBS rule very well. You technically should get mostly blues. I've gotten lots of splashes. You shouldn't have any tails at all. It might be extra feather growth. If you can run your finger over their behind you will find nothing. Even though I have read some develop a tail of sorts, they are missing the vertebrae back there.
Aruacanas grow combs fairly early and their feathers are pretty easy to sex when they come in.

It's easy to tell the Breda Fowl. They all have generously feathered feet. (the one on the right) Oh, and 2 of them are gray and one is black. You can tell, they just loved the camera. They are all about 2 weeks old.

Don't you love those big feet? Miss One wing. ( my injured rescue) has the most generous foot feathering. She cracks me up because it looks like she is walking with huge feet pointed out to the sides. I always pick out the Breda chicks by looking at the huge nostrils. Since they are devoid of combs they are really hard to sex until they feather in and then they can be deceiving. The feathers can really be pointy on girls and they appear to have saddle feathers more so than most chicken breeds.
Bredas may not be the best utility breed chicken but I still think they rank as about my favorite. They are the sweetest little lap babies ever.
To me they look like a link between a Pterodactyl and a modern chicken.

Oh the grammar thing drives me insane. I can't believe how poorly people spell and use the wrong word for the wrong thing on adds on facebook and craigslist. I cringe. I do a lot of typos myself, inverting letters that I don't even notice because I type quickly and send without proofread. And I know one of the things that happens is the caps doesn't always happen when I think I have used it.
One of my major pet peeves is people who don't use upper case and lower case. Like typing every thing in lower case. Another is punctuation... on and on with no periods or commas. I probably put in too many. The other pet peeves are things like: their /there, to/too, hear/ here, weather/ whether, etc etc.
It's going to be fun watching them develop. I can't get hold of the gray Araucana chick. Sis is really protective of HER (think pullet), and she is very flighty. I'm going to try to get a better look at her tonight when they are asleep. Sis has her in one of the regular nest boxes at night right now, so maybe I can fish around under her and get to the baby for a little look and feel. I have that dog playpen available, so tomorrow they will get a little outside time in the playpen in the shade if it is warm enough (LOL). They are bored in the brooder even with a couple of roosts and a ramp, so they need to be getting out. I am hoping that my mama hens will want to move their broods to the coop sometime soon so that the hoop will be available. Fingers crossed on that one. They have all integrated well into the flock, so I don't forsee any real problems.
  • ashncarson I have a sister that lives in hutch and as a teen we used to "drag" main and hang out by the library and park. We might even know each other! If you know any Snyders thats where I stem from but family includes, Sallee, Koeppen, and White. Theres a bunch more family in hutch but my coffee ain't working yet
We know a Terry White and his daughter (my husband works with Terry and I used to work with Meagan) Very cool, you will find me on her FB page!
Is there anyone with extra chicks to sell located near Kansas City or Knob Noster, MO?A

A cousin lost 18 chickens to her neighbors dog pack while on vacation this week (they broke into the coop) and the remaining 6 are injured. They filled a sheriff report and the neighbor will pay for everything including even full grown laying hens if needed.

She is wanting a mixed flock and is looking at chicks to start over. She had they have a horrible mess to clean up from the dogs. My breaks breaks for her and I am hoping to find some local that can help her!

Hi, all! Haven't been on in quite a while. It's been busy here. I've gotten involved in horse rescue and have been working on raising money to get horses out of the kill pens that are bound for the brutal butcher yards in Mexico. It's an expensive sort of thing to be involved in but so rewarding. :) it's heartbreaking as well. :hit so many talented well trained horses and so many mares with babies. The kill buyers don't care what they are beyond weight for meat. :( it would be one thing as well if their deaths were swift and painless but it's too gory and brutal to go into detail on. The suffering is indescribable. :( :mad:
My chicks are doing good. I got a BCM sexed trio with an extra cockerel, 2 blue copper maran and 3 BCM chicks from Fitz farms in OK recently. Also got a dozen blue copper hatching eggs. I'm hoping to get improved egg color from these birds.
Danz the 4 SS I got from you are looking great! I'll try to post pics soon. I'm pretty sure I got 2 cockerels and 2 pullets. The one partridge Brahma that survived from the eggs I got from you looks like a pullet and I got a pair from Chickenhill so now I have a trio which makes be quite happy.
It looks like I may have a doe pregnant for fall kids so I'm very pleased about that after the tough luck I had with my goats this spring. Maybe she'll have all girls! ;) :fl
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Check with @Chicken Danz She is near Waverly, so it would be a little trip, but she has all ages of lovely birds of a wide variety of breeds.

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