Consolidated Kansas

Hello fellow Kansans!
Glad to see we have our own thread. I am new to BYC, just joined yesterday. It seems I've jumped on the chicken wagon a little late.
Hehee. We'll be getting 8 week old chicks this August, two Isbars and two Bielefelders.

Is there anyone here who hails from Olathe? I've seen a couple threads, but nothing recent, though I could be looking in the wrong places.

Anyway, nice to see so many of us on here! I'm looking forward to learning what I can before our girls arrive.
Several people are from that immediate area. I'm from a bit south near Emporia. Welcome to Consolidated Kansas. We have an amazing number of knowledgeable people who check in here regularly. Be sure to post pictures of the babies when you get them. 8 weeks is a fun age -- Enjoy.
Hello fellow Kansans!
Glad to see we have our own thread. I am new to BYC, just joined yesterday. It seems I've jumped on the chicken wagon a little late.
Hehee. We'll be getting 8 week old chicks this August, two Isbars and two Bielefelders.

Is there anyone here who hails from Olathe? I've seen a couple threads, but nothing recent, though I could be looking in the wrong places.

Anyway, nice to see so many of us on here! I'm looking forward to learning what I can before our girls arrive.

Welcome! We have several people up your direction, they don't all post all the time though. We're kind of spread out over the state on this thread but there are quite a few concentrated in some areas. You will enjoy your chicks at that age, they're fun. I have read that the Isbars can be kind of fragile, so you may have to give them more special attention, but at least they will be well started when you get them. You'll have some pretty green eggs from them.

We picked up the 3 rolls of fence yesterday that we had to order from TSC so when DH gets the trees cleared at least it will be here. We had bought the wrong size of guide wire so we took it back to exchange it & they said someone had given us a bundle of wire instead of just one roll. I'm sure they were glad we brought it back because they would have been on the losing side on that one. I guess a gal that didn't know any better was the one that loaded it up for us when we bought it & didn't take it apart. The ones taking it back just kind of looked surprised when DH rolled it out of the truck & then they looked at the receipt.

sharol I agree with Danz, those Orps are kind of the pits to sex at times. It seems to take longer on some of them than other breeds. I can see on yours though it's pretty apparent on the chocolates due to the rooster being so much taller & more bare than the pullet. I had to wait longer on my Buffs to sex them, I finally got them separated recently but it took awhile.
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Hello fellow Kansans!
Glad to see we have our own thread. I am new to BYC, just joined yesterday. It seems I've jumped on the chicken wagon a little late.
Hehee. We'll be getting 8 week old chicks this August, two Isbars and two Bielefelders.

Is there anyone here who hails from Olathe? I've seen a couple threads, but nothing recent, though I could be looking in the wrong places.

Anyway, nice to see so many of us on here! I'm looking forward to learning what I can before our girls arrive.

Welcome to the thread. Several people live up your direction. They often read but don't post often,
so maybe one will drop in to greet you. I live about an hour SW of you. My son lives in Olathe. He's not at all the chicken type though.
I'm envious. I have thought I might want to try Isbars. I've had about everything else around here. Maybe some day. Right now I just need to reduce breeds and get the numbers down a lot.
It's not been a profitable day. Oh well. I had two big customers booked for tomorrow and they both cancelled. I don't care really. I can use a day without chasing chickens for someone else.
Is this chick looking like it has the start of saddle feathers? I sure hope not. They just turned 9 weeks old

The comb is more yellow than rd. They are Wyandotte mixes.
They sure look like saddle feathers. I can't tell the shape of the feathers well. They look pointed but at the same time it might just be the pattern on them. I'd hold out for a bit. The body shape looks like a pullet so the jury is still out. I'm leaning toward pullet looking at the pictures.
I have to go meet my son this morning then it looks like I may have the rest of the day to catch up around here. I really need to do some more chicken sorting and moving but I don't know if I can. I spent my afternoon/evening at a wedding and too much standing is really hard on me. I got behind on work yesterday so maybe today at least I can catch up on caring for the birds.
My schedule has been insane lately and I'm ready for a day or two of peace and quiet. If there is such a thing.
ashncarson some of the pics look like pullet but the last one does look like the beginning of saddle feathers. You should know before too long I would think it it's a rooster or not.

Well it was cooler here yesterday so I finally got the mowing done. It had just been too hot for me to go out & do it since we aren't early risers around here. It was a relief to have it done for sure. I also sold the last 5 of my older ducklings yesterday so that helps some with the feed. Those little buggers can suck up the feed. I just hatched my last batch of eggs I had shipped in so now I have to decide which ones I'm keeping & mark them. I already have a buyer for the extras I have right now so as soon as I make my decision they said they would come get them. I like to keep the little ducklings in the brooder for a week or so to give them a chance to get started & then I have been putting them outside in the pen. It's warm enough & there are enough of them to keep warm even at night. I still have two ducks sitting on eggs in the pen so I will have more ducklings probably later as well. I have had lots of people asking for ducks this year. I have one more hatch of guinea keets coming due July 5th & then I'm done hatching for the year. I just need to sell the extra chicks I have on hand & then I just will be focusing on growing out what I hatched for myself. I need a break from hatching anyway, it is labor intensive caring for all of those little babies. I'm always happy when they get big enough to eat with the older ones.
Finally was able to get that 1900's barn partially mucked out--Whew-about 60 years worth of "stuff", but delighted to find not only solid floors but working electric and water that just needs to be reconnected to the well. Chickens should like this......hmmm dont ya think this is big enough (19x14)for a peacock too,(old milking stanchions will be coming out) or have all you peacock peeps found they need separate quarters from the chickens?

@minifarm Welcome to BYC, I am in your area, and my sister is outside of Olathe out past the Lake, and we also just moved my Dad to acreage outside of Baldwin

They normally recommend 100 sf per pea, but with 266sf you could have a trio in there with no problems. When removing the wood stanchions try to save as much of it as possible for roosts. Peas need a 2x4 flat side up to protect their toes in the winter.
Finally was able to get that 1900's barn partially mucked out--Whew-about 60 years worth of "stuff", but delighted to find not only solid floors but working electric and water that just needs to be reconnected to the well. Chickens should like this......hmmm dont ya think this is big enough (19x14)for a peacock too,(old milking stanchions will be coming out) or have all you peacock peeps found they need separate quarters from the chickens?

@minifarm Welcome to BYC, I am in your area, and my sister is outside of Olathe out past the Lake, and we also just moved my Dad to acreage outside of Baldwin

Hey that is great. Is this at your place or your Dad's new farm?

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