Consolidated Kansas

Been a few weeks since I was able to read/post, so am playing catch-up


I found some coneflowers (identical to mexican hats) out in my pasture the other day! Will be ding some transplanting into my chicken garden soon! YAY!

Also, I'm looking for some cream legbars. Any hatching soon?

And new baby ducklings? Any available?
The coneflowers don't transplant well, it's better to start them from seed & they do spread well with the seed. I sold all of my baby ducklings I had available for now. However, I do have two different nests in the duck/goose pen with hens sitting on more eggs so I should have some more but I'm just not exactly sure when they're due. I know they started sitting on the one in the barrel first & the one in the hoop coop later so one will be hatching before the other one. I can let you know when any hatch. I don't need any more ducklings myself now since I kept 5 from eggs I had shipped in for a new bloodline. I don't have any Cream Legbars hatching & in fact am done for the year with hatching. Are you wanting a breeding group or just hens for blue eggs? I have two hens I would sell that are laying. Send me a PM if you're interested.

We got rain several times yesterday & we're supposed to get rain today & tomorrow. We do need the rain now, it's been really dry since it dried up from all of the rain earlier on. The ground has been so dry it's cracking & it doesn't look like we even had any rain for weeks earlier. I needed it to rain here to help the grass grow again in the field for my sheep & goats. I'm having to let them graze in the yard right now till the other areas grow back. We're still working on clearing trees for the new area & with the rain that's going to delay things again.
Maybe its age, maybe its maturity - I don't know, but standing out in the cool showers this morning, admiring the lush, rich, beauty and the freshness of mild temperate air gracing my skin, I realized how much more appreciative I am of this level of weather/climate! A peaceful blanket covers creation, including myself. A perfectly tepid balance, calming, serene, yet something majestic in its depth, fertility, nurturing - what an ideal way to exist!

Goodness, it seems like ages since I logged in and posted. Was great to catch up!

In the warping death-gripping heat, I've been constantly watering, misting, placing iced bottles here and there, and sharing frozen fun-pops and creamed-corn-popsicles with the birds, as well as monitoring the fans, and getting to know all the newer additions to my flock. We've had quite the chats lately, and have made several sweet buddies along the way!

However, I also had opportunity to recognize who was causing chaos and dissension among the ranks as well. So, I rounded up the culprits and put them in a designated "time-out" coop/pen. What a tremendous difference!! The stress levels disappeared!! So, 4 drakes and 3 roos will be leaving this evening, after a week or more in time-out. Whew!

Also been dripping and laboring hard on the walkway of the beginning stages of my chicken garden! Not exactly sure, yet guesstimating slightly over 200' of meandering walkway around the immediate 2-3 acres between the house and the coop. Chose to sweat out the grass and let the sun do the work for me, so I laid out black plastic (found rectangle tablecloths the cheapest), and placed all the broken pieces of concrete creatively along the way to hold it in place, along with a few bricks and pallets. I did not have enough, so I will need to be thinking outside the box for other unique materials to use along the walkway as well. I have over a dozen medium to large elm stumps that I think I'll slice up as added "stepping stones" and various flat limestone rocks, too. This path has made three sections to "decorate" with native plants in an array that will bloom and prove eye-pleasing all year round - AFTER knocking the grass out in those areas one at a time, of course. Been contemplating the Lazagne technique for those areas.

Then spent several days working on leveling ground for a new craft/work shed, and then laid the flooring - still in progress. I hope to make it look like an old west general store! Once its up and ready for use, I can move over items from an existing coop/kennel/shed that's currently sitting across the property, move the structure and attach it to the existing coop - increasing room to accommodate our rapidly growing flock of cluckers and quackers. I have a vision, with the walkway, garden, and outbuilding along the path, as a quaint old west town. Eh. We shall see how that turns out. I'm a bit giddy about it. LOL

Additionally, was able to get half the remodel of the second bathroom done in the house, too! Its turning out awesome if I do say so myself! When sitting in the vintage clawfoot tub (I refinished), one looks up at a draping willow tree that I sculpted and painted from spray foam and faux willow branches from hobby lobby, and surrounded by a brick (Z-brick) half wall with a real bamboo-fenced top - that took me several weeks to shuck by hand and then secure them. You know, they only LOOK straight to the eye, but when placed against the wall, one clearly is faced with how bowed, warped, curved, and squiggly they really are! Makes for a puzzling challenge placing them together as a "fence"! HA! The tub sits on brick pavers, encompassed by faux grass carpet. Very spa-like and relaxing. YAY! Now, to complete the rest of the room!!

We acquired another cat during this time as well. He just showed up. Very friendly, very skinny, and handsome, too. I'm thinking someone dropped him off at the road up yonder. That makes six. The rats, mice, moles, voles, and gophers are decreasing! YAY!!!

Finally found the right mixture of essential oils to ward off skeeters, flies, no-see-ums, and ticks!!! The dogs and my skin certainly appreciate it! LOL I think it smells wonderful, too, but my better half disagrees. Shrug!

The cutest thing ever are my two Serama mini-bantam hens finally laying - and they lay PEE-WEE sized eggs! Just darling! Not even snack size. Hawksy Roxie, my sweet girl, has befriended me and enjoys taking over my egg bucket when I'm out collecting.

I'm diligently working on getting pictures of each individual bird - that's just how I roll, lol. Quite the challenge, yet loads of fun trying! Finally have them all named, too!

The sad and frustrating thing about this summer, so far, have been the drownings of youngling chicks in the duck ponds.

So, I've had to only fill the ponds/pools up a few inches to alleviate this mishap. Of course, putting the bully drakes in time-out also helped, as they would intentionally run at top speed across the property, just to push an unsuspecting chick into the water!

Had the grand kiddos overnight individually the last month or so, and what a treat that was!!! Just love'em to pieces! A N D, anothern on the way!!! Due February/March! Happy!!!

Well, better get my nose off this screen and to my chores! Such a gorgeous day out!!
I just had a broody hatch out 5 ducklings yesterday. It took about an hour before one was killed. I'd be glad to let you take them if they live that long.
I've been trying to be done hatching for some time now. I still have a few peafowl eggs now and then and some turkey eggs. I normally hatch year round. I am just trying to get all of my extras sold before I do any more hatching. I've got to reduce the amount of work I do. It's gotten to be too much.
My white peacock moulted almost his entire tail in just one day. I went out to the pen to see a sea of white.
@LavrisChica the peafowl only yell during breeding season. Other than if something frightens them like a low flying predator or something. I keep mine penned due to the expense but a lot of people let them free range. The worst thing I have heard about them is that if you have a tall barn they like to roost in it and will poop on machinery kept in there. When mine were free ranging they preferred to sleep in the trees. They are such beautiful birds and they are easy keepers. The only thing you need to be aware of is that they need to be wormed now and then.
I thought they would be loud as well but I have come to enjoy the sounds they make and out in the country who cares. It's usually early evening when they make the most noise. And once there short little breeding season is over it's quiet.
It is chilly outside if you spend time out there. I had to catch a rooster I sold this am. Always glad to see one go to breeding rather than be sacrificed for meat.
I'd take'em for sure, but am not close to you. Darn it!
Thanks for the "convincing info" - I will be sure to tell him this!!!
@LavrisChica , You have too much energy. I spend a ton of time dreaming of what all I will do but it seems to take me longer and longer to do anything these days. Also money is always a problem as well. As I concentrate on danzsizing the chickens, I keep thinking about all the other projects I would like to do since I should have more spare time. I have come to the conclusion I live in a dream world and unless I could suddenly come up with a huge disposable income most of these things won't happen. I would have to give in and hire things done to even begin to get things finished and I can't afford to pay anyone to do anything. In my next life I think I will find someone and marry for money.
@chicken danz ba ha ha ha, that cracks me up!! (next life - marry money)

I do have energy! And time! I'm so grateful for that!!! Keeps me young!

As for the money, don't have that, yet I am a scavenger of all things free, which comes abundantly living so close to the metro and access to craigslist free!!! YAY!!! I am constantly dragging materials home. Hubby says he's gonna buy me a dump truck or grain truck to haul all the things I find! LOL!!!

I always prefer DIY,possess a passion for creating, and have a knack for getting things done in a timely fashion. I try to GIT-R-DONE and keep a steady pace. Several projects at a time, so when I am bored or having a creative block or brain fart on one, I can take a break and move on to something else while I rethink the previous project.

Hmmm...I'm forever dreaming - he he he
You sound like the former me. I have gone downhill a lot this past year in particular. I guess age is finally catching up with me. I have always done every thing myself and refuse to pay to have things done. In the last 3 years I paid to have some fencing put in and paid to have my chicken building built. But I am doing all the inside construction, pens, etc myself. Another reason why it never seems to get done. I live too far from a major city to make free really free, but I upcycle everything. The downfall to that is I live in a hoarder like atmosphere because of it.
I really am getting tired of all the clutter because I refuse to throw away pieces of wood and stuff I might use later on. Plus I'm finding sometimes it's more prudent
to buy a new 2 X 4 than to pull nails forever out of an old one that will fall apart while I'm trying to build with it.
Hi, August 21st Will be my last day in Eastern Washington...

We will be staying with mil in Lakin, KS temporarily till we get work and our own place, so I'm in the process of selling all my critters :-(

So help me get excited! I'll get to start a new flock! Unless I end up in an apartment :-(

But I'll still be looking to buy farm fresh eggs, and live vicariously through you!! (Gotta get chicken fix somehow!!)

Beautiful mixture on the 8 wk old you posted pics of. Before knowing what you were working with, I thought it was a Blue Orpington. I'd say Austrolorp/Orpington mix.
He was a pretty boy! He went to his new home this week, he went alone, and 7 other chicks went to my aunt and uncles! I kept 3 hens~


A YORKIE!!! They are the cutest!!! I think one or two would be a great addition to our family - just have to convince my other half of that, too! Lol Can't wait to see pics of yours!!
We are picking him up on the 29th! We had a Morkie but he died last year and even though we rescued a baby pomeranian my hubby is missing his buddy and wants another small dog! We go visit him again tomorrow!
@LavrisChica , You have too much energy. I spend a ton of time dreaming of what all I will do but it seems to take me longer and longer to do anything these days. Also money is always a problem as well. As I concentrate on danzsizing the chickens, I keep thinking about all the other projects I would like to do since I should have more spare time. I have come to the conclusion I live in a dream world and unless I could suddenly come up with a huge disposable income most of these things won't happen. I would have to give in and hire things done to even begin to get things finished and I can't afford to pay anyone to do anything. In my next life I think I will find someone and marry for money.
LOL Danz, me too, I want to come back in the situation as well in my next life so I can have all of the things I can't have now.

@chicken danz ba ha ha ha, that cracks me up!! (next life - marry money)

I do have energy! And time! I'm so grateful for that!!! Keeps me young!

As for the money, don't have that, yet I am a scavenger of all things free, which comes abundantly living so close to the metro and access to craigslist free!!! YAY!!! I am constantly dragging materials home. Hubby says he's gonna buy me a dump truck or grain truck to haul all the things I find! LOL!!!

I always prefer DIY,possess a passion for creating, and have a knack for getting things done in a timely fashion. I try to GIT-R-DONE and keep a steady pace. Several projects at a time, so when I am bored or having a creative block or brain fart on one, I can take a break and move on to something else while I rethink the previous project.

Hmmm...I'm forever dreaming - he he he
Yeah I'm in the same situation as Danz, it seems like things I see for free are just too far away for me to drive our old truck to get. That's funny your DH wants to buy you a dump truck, lol. Mine gets angry with me for hauling animals in our car. He says he's buying me a truck next time & I said well an SUV would be nice. I'm in the same situation with Danz as well. I used to have lots & lots of energy but it's dwindling & the arthritis is taking it's toll on me. I'm waiting till next year some time to have the total knee they're telling me I need. It's time to start replacing worn out parts I guess.

Hi, August 21st Will be my last day in Eastern Washington...

We will be staying with mil in Lakin, KS temporarily till we get work and our own place, so I'm in the process of selling all my critters :-(

So help me get excited! I'll get to start a new flock! Unless I end up in an apartment :-(

But I'll still be looking to buy farm fresh eggs, and live vicariously through you!! (Gotta get chicken fix somehow!!)
Welcome! I hope you can find a place where you can continue with chickens. How long have you had them & what will you be looking for when you get to KS as far as a new flock? There are some of us that hatch but I happen to be done for this year. Lakin is quite a long ways from me too. You will be out there in the southwestern part of the state. There are a couple of people out that way on here. Most of us it seems like are in the eastern half of the state. At any rate, I hope your move goes smoothly & you find somewhere to live & work soon.

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