Consolidated Kansas

Cute chicken JennyJane. Is he a silkie crossed Frizzle?
Bre, I ordered some wonderful garlic starts year before last. I need to find that company again . They had the best prices for excellent cloves. I think it was just a family operation too. Just found it. Here is the link:
I got busy late and dug out my entire iris garden. That is a huge area and now I have a pile of dirt probably 15 feet long by 3 foot wide by at least 2-3 feet tall of dirt, iris, and weeds. I was sorting out the iris and other flowers by hand but it got dark on me. Then it rained. It's been pouring so I probably have a huge mud slide in the front yard. I've been meaning to do something with that iris bed for a couple of years and just didn't get it done. Now I have to even if it means slopping in the mud.
I made the mistake of using feed lot dirt to fill it in and it' s been a nasty weed pit ever since. Not sure how to get rid of them. If I had a better place to do it I'd just make an entirely new garden and let that corner go back to grass. I just can't come up with another suitable spot where I could enjoy them.
We got beautifully composted horse stall and dry lot scraping from one of the local boarding stables. It was free and they loaded it. It's was so well composted I don't think a weed seed made it out of any of the loads. We had to drive 45 mins to get it but I'll be going back whenever they have it available. I paid a small chunk of $$ to have dirt hauled in as well. With a whole lot of "guaranteed weed less" propaganda attached. It made no difference as the seeds fly all spring long especially off our particular type of tree right by the garden. I've been pulling little saplings all summer lol.
I have crap for lungs. It has been a terrible year for respiratory problems.
I really hate rain even though it's a necessary evil. The humidity makes it very hard to breath. And if there is too much then there are mold issues which are even worse.
And with degenerative issues it makes my arthritis flare and makes me hurt all over. Being old sure doesn't help.
Yay! You'll be putting that new coop in business sooner than later!
At least I can sympathize with the arthritis. My ankles have been one constant pain for the last three days. I was seven weeks preemie and some of my joints never developed properly. I have had arthritis in my ankles since I was 5 years old, and in my right wrist since I was 11. That's part of the reason I moved to Kansas from Michigan, the winters there are long, cold, and it is always wet.

Honestly, I really like this little town I ended up in. Great school, especially for my oldest, who is autistic but mathmatically brilliant, and already reading on a first grade level before even starting kindergarten this year. The people are friendly, and the "keep it local" mentality around here is one I can very much get behind. A person can't ask for more then freindly neigbors, good schools, and a good library.
Bre, maybe the horses don't consume as many weeds as the cattle do. This stuff was awful. I can understand blowing weed seeds. I deal with that everywhere but this stuff was just awful. I'm sure you've noticed the weed patch by the gate. That is what I was working on. Once I get the weeds and iris pulled out I think I am going to spray roundup on all the dirt before I add some amendments. It won't keep the seeds from germinating but it might kill what I miss as far as some of the live plants.
RooksMom I have arthritis just about every where. I have had three wrist surgeries on my right hand. Yes I am right handed. They finally had to go in and fuse it and put a titanium plate and screws in. It was bone to bone and I couldn't even pick up a coffee cup without dropping it due to pain. It doesn't move at all but at least I can bare the pain now. The arthritis still flares but it doesn't make it impossible to use my hand now. My left wrist isn't good either especially since it has to do a lot of work that the right wrist did before. But there is no way I could function at all without at least one working wrist. I had discussed a wrist replacement but the best prognosis was that it would only last 2 years at the most. I haven't read where that has improved at all. So I opted to wait and hope for something to improve in time. Unfortunately it's not one of those things I can blame on being old. I've fought it for years...not as early as you though.
I had a rough start as a baby and I know that some of their misconceptions back then on how to treat things left me with a lifetime of medical problems.
As suspected it's pretty muddy out there this morning. Not quite as bad as I expected though. If it would quit raining for a couple days it might dry up and get back to normal fairly soon.
I can empathize on the Arthritis as well, I have it all over my body too. My knees right now are the worst & I will have to have my first total knee replacement some time next year. I put it off this year so we could have a vacation but I'm to the point now I can't even walk through a store without a lot of pain afterwards. I have it in my hands too & I have two fingers with joints that need some surgery right now, but it will have to wait. I'm losing the ability to grip with that hand & I'm right handed as well. Arthritis is the pits & it runs very strongly in my family. I think my son already has it at 35. I really think I started getting it about that age too but it didn't get so bad until the last few years.

It rained an inch here yesterday & now it's muddy everywhere. We did need the rain, but it started just about the time I needed to go out & feed so I had to postpone going out & then ended up finishing up in the dark. I don't like to do that because I'm always afraid I'll trip & fall since I do that a lot anyway, but I don't see well in the dark.

jennyjane I meant to say that is a cute rooster, I hope he enjoys his new home.

I have a lot of things on my to do list for today so I need to get off this computer & get busy.
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That's pretty cool KSKingBee!

It's another busy day today, not much computer time. I did get my main coop cleaned out yesterday, that was a big accomplishment, now on to the breeder coop.

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