Consolidated Kansas

Lol yep Wonky woke up my hubby this morning though I could barely hear him (plus I know my hubby is an riser so yea don't think that he really woke him up) and couldn't believe my eyes. As we are in the middle of a heavy wet snow blizzard I opened the coop door my Welsummer girl stepped out then immediately hopped back in shaking her feet and yelling up a storm I don't have to speak chicken to understand that soo with them not going out and it being Easter they got this spread for the day instead. And no worries Wonky and His girls from Danz got some too in their pen. Happy Easter/ beginning of Spring everyone.

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I have everything out in the garden! We got snow this morning too. :) Cabbage, onions, garlic, kale, peas, beets (planted seed) lettuce (planted seed), carrots (planted seed) and we even have our tomato plants out with banked milk jug covers. They all survived the snow just fine! :D lol. We broke ground for this garden this february, so are really excited for our first "real" garden at this house. When we first moved in last year the ground was so wet all we got planted was two tomatoes in a little 3x3 spot we dug out in the middle of the lawn. Haha. The tomatoes did good though!
I have fall garlic out and some green onions, the garlic looks amazing, the onions didnt seem to like the 2 inches of snow chickens got a taste of snow from my hand but they liked my finger more!
I have had a great Easter hatch so far today...Not intentional. I still can't find my camera so DH took a picture with his. Not really showing the best angle to show all the new chicks I hatched today. I still have 7 more drying in the incubator and at least a dozen more eggs to go. There's probably about 65 chicks there.

I also have goslings hatching today. Three so far with gobs of pips. Sure would be nice to have enough to ship my big order to Georgia tomorrow
O M G someone needs to check Mother Natures Meds its now a 70 degrees bright sunny beautiful Spring Day!!!
So after throwing down some Straw I set the ladies free!!! Happy Crazy Easter Everyone!!!
Happy Easter everyone! I have a big hatch going on today also, but don't have as many hatched yet as danz. It wasn't intentional on my part to hatch on Easter either, it just worked out that way. I have to leave in the afternoon for a few hours so there will probably be a hatcher full of chicks when I get back. I did send 20 chicks & 4 ducklings to their new homes yesterday so that helped some but I sure will need to get some more sent off this coming week after this big hatch. I have a few for myself in there, but not too many.
Big hatch for me too! Had 11 hatch so far with two more pipped. These are my dad's replacement chicks, since he lost most of his chickens to a rash of raccoon and bobcat attacks. (He trapped 13 raccoons in a month!) He has since built a gorgeous new coop with much improved safety features and keeps them in a run unless he is out working the garden. He is down to 3 hens and buddy the rooster. (Originally had a flock of 25) so these are going to a good home!
8 chicks so far, two more zipping and at least half a dozen or more pipped. I'm super pleased with how much better hatch rates I've gotten since I asked for special handling on my shipped eggs.
Hey, can someone give me a little advice?

I am hatching out my own chicks this year, instead of buying them, and so far everything has gone fairly smoothly. I've had an 80% (give or take) hatch rate. Not bad for my first try I think, but the newest chick had a very hard time hatching, it took little Blue (thusly names for the color of his/her eggshell) a little over two days from first crack to out of the shell. Now he keeps holing his head cocked so far back that he keeps flipping himself over.

Is this something I should be worried about? He hasn't been out of the shell for a full 24 hours yet, but I'm worried, non of the other chicks did this, and for some reason my family is very attatched to their little easter egger chick hatched from a blue egg on easter.

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