Consolidated Kansas

We are forecast to get up to 14" of snow by tomorrow evening, with locally higher amounts possible. We are also supposed to get wind gusts of up to 65mph and are in both a blizzard warning and a high wind warning for tomorrow. I have a broody sitting on some eggs, which are due to hatch later this week so I sure hope it warms up by then. I have a friend that got an order of chicks in a few days ago, and I loaned her my sweeter heater to use for them. I sure hope that wasn't a mistake!
We are forecast to get up to 14" of snow by tomorrow evening, with locally higher amounts possible. We are also supposed to get wind gusts of up to 65mph and are in both a blizzard warning and a high wind warning for tomorrow. I have a broody sitting on some eggs, which are due to hatch later this week so I sure hope it warms up by then. I have a friend that got an order of chicks in a few days ago, and I loaned her my sweeter heater to use for them. I sure hope that wasn't a mistake!

I'm glad it was your area getting the snow & not here but I don't envy you that. It rained here I guess most of the weekend & it was cold. We weren't here all weekend because my DH ran in the marathon at OKC yesterday. It was a pretty miserable cold day to run. You never know one year to the next how it will be with the weather. It has been fairly warm some years in April. Anyway, I felt bad for the lady who comes to feed for me on Sat. because she had to feed in the cold rain.
I'm glad it was your area getting the snow & not here but I don't envy you that. It rained here I guess most of the weekend & it was cold. We weren't here all weekend because my DH ran in the marathon at OKC yesterday. It was a pretty miserable cold day to run. You never know one year to the next how it will be with the weather. It has been fairly warm some years in April. Anyway, I felt bad for the lady who comes to feed for me on Sat. because she had to feed in the cold rain.
We ended up missing the heaviest snow, but it was just barely. WE ended up with around 5" total and a whole lot of wind. WE had white out conditions on and off all day. It was a rough day! My horses had already lost most of their winter coats, so I had to go out every couple of hours to check on them. I'd make warm mash for them and give it to them every time I went out. I ended up putting one heavy blanket and one light blanekt on each horse, and they were still shivering, but I was out of blankets. They were dry underneath, but it still wasn't enough. Gah! It was a stressful day with a lot of extra work taking care of the livestock. At least my birds were all safe and happy! I'm so glad it's warming up (most of the snow is gone already here). I've got chicks due to hatch this week!
We obviously were in a pocket when the storm stalled here. Most of the estimates were around 1 to 2 inches with 3 inches in this area. But we got over 8 inches of rain. It was so cold and miserable. I don't think I've felt much more frustrated. Just heartbreaking and my birds , calf, and dogs are all drenched and covered in mud. I wouldn't be surprised to see several get sick just from the stress of all this.
It was very cold and windy today but it warmed up in late afternoon. I was so happy to feel something that felt more like spring than winter finally. I have a ton of chicks hatched an absolutely no where to put them. I'm out of room in the brooder house, the bins and have no more heaters or heat lamps. They are still in the incubator but I can't leave them there much longer.
It finally stopped raining long enough to take the babies outside for a stretch on the grass. Everyone else tired of being wet yet??

It's a bit warmer today thank goodness. I'm as tired of the cold & rain as I'm sure my birds & animals are. The sheep have to wade through goopy mud to come out of their shelter. I haven't been able to do any cleaning out of the old hay in the pens because it's been too wet & it's too heavy. I had to shovel out right by the gate so I could even get it open to let the sheep out & then had to leave the pile right outside the fence till the day comes when it finally dries out enough to be able to move it. I've been concerned about my younger chicks outside in the pen with it getting so cold at night. So far they have done OK. I need to move some other ones outside today that are getting too big for the brooder. Then I can divide up the other ones in the other brooder that is getting crowded.

Anyone know what would cause red poop? Just saw this a few minutes ago. There were some other blobs nearby that looked more like cecal poop, but this has the consistency of normal poop, just red. They were out free ranging on grass yesterday while I cleaned the run, but there wasn't anything unusual around.

Anyone know what would cause red poop? Just saw this a few minutes ago. There were some other blobs nearby that looked more like cecal poop, but this has the consistency of normal poop, just red. They were out free ranging on grass yesterday while I cleaned the run, but there wasn't anything unusual arounD.
It is probably something the bird ate. If they aren't chicks I wouldn't be concerned
We got out new baby chicks in on Tuesday evening! Post office called at 8:09pm! They shipped out Monday from Hoover's! We pickdd out 5 and a ffriend picked the other 10!

We got a welsummer,EE, silver laced Wyandotte, barred rock and black sex link.

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I have a bunch of extra English Lavender Orpington chicks & a few Speckled Sussex if anyone is interested & is close enough to come get some. Send me a PM if interested. I had some fertility issues early on & then had to replace my SS rooster so it took awhile to get things going with filling orders & then I put too many eggs in so I have extras now that need to go to new homes. I may have some other breeds after I get orders filled.
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