Consolidated Kansas

!! Where exactly are you from? I'm in Lawrence and there are several of us around this area on this board! Glad to have you join us! Tell us a bit about your flock, and we LOVE pictures! :)

Speaking of lights, I finally found myself a 150 watt red light, yay! I'm still working on the brooder, and bought a wire cage to add over the lamp. My DH is scared to death that something will happen and the light will fall and the pine shavings will catch fire. Fire is one of his biggest fears now that we finally own a house, i'm lucky to be able to light a candle! LOL. I also bought a small 1" square dowel type piece of wood for a perch for the newbies. Broader is just about ready, only 25 more days left till my chicks arrive!! I'm getting more anxious as the time gets closer!

Danz, I really hope those antibiotics kick in soon!! I feel for ya! I'm sure that this weather isn't helping much either! Drink some honey tea and relax. Let your body heal! :)

Ivy, I'm sorry to hear that they didn't find more conclusive results for your DH. Be sure that he keeps on-top of it and doesn't let any weird symptom go unnoticed. I work in the ER and see way too many heart issues that have been ignored for too long. I'm still thinking about him!

Wichitakidd, I used to be an IT professional for about 10 years. I was Gateway customer service and had to leave because I couldn't take another day of talking people through formatting their computer only to get yelled at because they didn't follow our directions and back-up or save stuff on the computer before calling us back - and they lost everything. LOL
Thanks, Tweety. I think we have avoided a heart attack, and he is definitely on the mend. I was an anesthetist for 17 years. I quit to stay home with kids and take care of my daughter when she was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. I loved the work, but I just never went back to it after being home for so long. Believe me, I have not let his symptoms go ignored, but I think he has a tendency to minimize some things, of course, but he is definitely a lot better than he was.

Danz-Are you SURE you haven't progessed to pneumonia? If you aren't better soon you probably need to get to the Dr. again.

I was going to move some chicks out to the new brooder, but with it being only 2 degrees tonight, I decided to wait. They are fine for now and it is supposed to warm up in the next few days. I figured out how I want to do the feeders and waterers in there, so it will be nice for separating the chicks. Maybe I can get started on my BIGGER brooder soon now!

The person who was going to buy my BCM chicks didn't show, so if anyone wants any chicks just send me a PM. I've got about 10 BCM chicks hatched right now.
Ivy- glad to hear DH is on the mend!

To anyone around topeka that's interested---- I got a responce to CL ad today from a french chef opening a fancy restaurant there and wants a supply of coturnix quail. I'm a little leary and I can't produce the amount of birds he wants in the little shed I'm raising mine in but... They are offering $14 a bird plus a supply of special dairy ration to improve the taste of the meat. They want to process on site though so proceed with caution. This could possibly be a great business venture for someone, just way bigger scale than I want to be or have the space for. Let me know if you might be interested and I can send him your way. I also have contacts for large quanities of commercial line hatching eggs if you need those.
I think he has a tendency to minimize some things, of course, but he is definitely a lot better than he was.
That's exactly what I was refering to! If he's anything like my DH, everything is usually just fine and nothing to worry about - but I think it's my job to worry about him since he won't. LOL. Glad to hear that you have a medical background and know how important it is to be watchful of the small things. Sorry to hear about your daughter, did everything turn out ok with her, if you don't mind me asking?

EDITED BECAUSE OF PUPPY PICS POSTED while I was typing!!! Oh My Goodness, they are just little fluffs of love and sweetness. Wow, If I didn't own enough animals I would be all over that! They look very healthy! Is Marshmellow back to her old self now?
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Danz, those pups sure have grown! If my Viszla hadn't gone a little crazy in the last year, I'd be tempted to take one. She started attacking my Weim and nothing we've done has changed anything for the better, and we've tried everything including a very expensive session with an animal behaviorist. We just have to keep them separated. Not easy when they're both house dogs. Your pups also picked a nice, cold day to venture outside. Brrrr!

HEChicken, you have a lot of projects lined up; no wonder you want a magic neighbor.
It really does make a difference when DH & I can both work on a project. Still, I've learned to triple our initial cost estimate and double the time estimate! I go along just fine for a certain amount of time, then I decide it should have been completed by then. At that point, I just want it done NOW!

Karen, congratulations on the new fuzzies; they're so cute.

Got my first frozen egg today. That'll teach me to wait so long to get out and check. The dogs enjoyed it, though.
OMG, Danz those are cuties! Boy are they growing fast, how old are they now? In the top pic I like the little white one the 3rd down on the left. She looks like she has just a tiny bit of color on her ears, so cute. I agree, if you don't get to feeling better really soon you should go back to the Dr., you might need a different med to get you well.

IVY, sorry to hear your buyer didn't come through for you, that's aggravating. I sure don't need any Marans, but I do want some Wheaten Ameraucanas from you later on, so save me some of those. I'm glad to hear your DH is getting better, it's a good thing you took him when you did, it sounds like he was heading for a heart attack for sure, glad he dodged that bullet.

Well I drove up to Hutchinson this afternoon, it was a long afternoon & just up & back, but I did get two really nice Chinchilla rabbits that I even got pedigrees for. The guy shows them, so he had papers on all of them. He sure had a lot of rabbits there, he had lots of Chinchillas & quite a few Florida Whites also. The Floria White are getting very popular I guess for meat rabbits also, although they are smaller than the Chinchillas & New Zealands. So I guess as soon as it warms up enough that I feel like they will make it all right I will probably be breeding them & will have some little Chinchillas later on in the spring if anyone will be interested. They really are very pretty rabbits & make good pets or meat rabbits either one. The ones I got I think are around 9 months old.

Oh BTW Danz, I switched my pups to the adult food in the same brand of food I was feeding them & they're doing so much better already in only a few days. They just weren't digesting that puppy food well at all. I noticed the the protein content isn't off much from what they were getting but they seem much happier & not as starved acting. I hope they will start to fill out some now. I kept searching for what else I could feed them & finally thought oh well I might as well just try the adult food & see if they can handle it better & sure enough it's working out much better. I have had several people tell me that the large dogs shouldn't be fed puppy food for very long anyway.

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