Constipation with muscovy duck - need advice


13 Years
May 8, 2011
My 3 year old male has been having constipation problems and I'm trying to figure out how best to help him.

1. Do you think coconut oil and Savachick vitamins/electrolytes and probiotics would be okay to give him? I did this once when another of my ducks had some sort of intestinal issues. It seemed to help, or at least he got better after a day or so. Whether it was because of that or not I can't say.

2. Is cool or warm water better for helping constipation (for a bath or a compress)?

3. Are there any vegetables that would be good? He's a pretty picky eater but I could keep trying different veggies or fruit etc that helps with constipation.

4. Is there any medicine a vet could prescribe?
I have Muscovies and haven't yet experienced a constipation issue (you know they're very prolific poopers)...what do you feed yours? Has anything changed in his diet lately? Does he have any symptoms besides the constipation?
Yeah I've had muscovies (and other ducks) for many years and haven't had constipation. He might need some kind of medicine to reduce swelling down there? He had a prolapsed penis last spring as well as spring 2015.

Other than that he hasn't had any other problems and no other symptoms currently. It's just he strains to poop...I'm not even sure it IS constipation because it's not like his poops are really firm - the opposite really (come to think of it, his poops used to be normal looking duck poops before he had constipation, now they're very loose). It's just he has trouble getting it out and his butt is protruding a bit down there..which is why I'm thinking there's a swelling issue.

No changes in diet either. He eats Purina Layena pellets. Normally he'd have some other foods (the few things he actually likes - dewberries when they're in season, he sometimes likes banana and egg, and he likes cat food and cheerios) but I haven't given him much lately due to his constipation and not wanting to make it worse.
@Fawkes I'd try the Coconut oil if you can get him to take it if he is eating his reg food you might mix it in with it just make up a small amount so you'll know he'll eat all the feed with the coconut oil mixed in.

A vet maybe able to suggest something better.

If he likes cat food you might try a small amount of it mixed with the coconut oil what ever you can get him to eat to get the oil in him.

If you can get advise from a vet that would be the way to go.he may have a blockage.
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Thanks, I'm going to take him to the vet tomorrow. Does anyone know of a vet that would be good to take him to in the Jacksonville Florida area? I know there's some Jax/Orange Park/Middleburg people on here... I might start another thread on that.
Thanks, I'm going to take him to the vet tomorrow. Does anyone know of a vet that would be good to take him to in the Jacksonville Florida area? I know there's some Jax/Orange Park/Middleburg people on here... I might start another thread on that.
@Fawkes try the Florida thread. and if you know casportpony she use to have a list of vets that would see poultry all over the country. for some reason I can't tag her.

Please let us know what you find out and I hope he gets over what ever is causing his trouble.

@casportpony I did it!! Need you help please
Thanks! :)

I *think* he has a small hernia....with a big black scab on top? I'm not real sure what the black stuff is but it seems like a scab to me.

I'm hoping with a swelling reducer and antibiotics in case of infection, he'll be okay. I've read an account of a fluid buildup causing this and the bird (can't remember if it was a duck or chicken) was fine afterward, it just needed some sort of medicine that I forget the name of that caused the fluid to drain. Really hoping the outcome will be something like this! I just don't want him to have to have an operation :(
Thanks! :)

I *think* he has a small hernia....with a big black scab on top? I'm not real sure what the black stuff is but it seems like a scab to me.

I'm hoping with a swelling reducer and antibiotics in case of infection, he'll be okay. I've read an account of a fluid buildup causing this and the bird (can't remember if it was a duck or chicken) was fine afterward, it just needed some sort of medicine that I forget the name of that caused the fluid to drain. Really hoping the outcome will be something like this! I just don't want him to have to have an operation :(
You know bumble or staff can show up on any part I think. Hopefully the vet can drain it or give meds that will do it. I hope he doesn't have to have surgery too.
Update: He actually "just" had a bad infection of the intestines(?), no hernia or external infection, and after a course of antibiotics he's feeling much better :) We're due back to the vets for a checkup next week.

He might be a bit nutritionally deficient too so we're working on changing that (he's such a picky eater).

It was really scary though because he nearly died twice - the second time was 2 days into his course of antibiotics so I really wasn't expecting that. I guess it just took awhile for the meds to start working and he probably got dehydrated.
Update: He actually "just" had a bad infection of the intestines(?), no hernia or external infection, and after a course of antibiotics he's feeling much better :) We're due back to the vets for a checkup next week.

He might be a bit nutritionally deficient too so we're working on changing that (he's such a picky eater).

It was really scary though because he nearly died twice - the second time was 2 days into his course of antibiotics so I really wasn't expecting that. I guess it just took awhile for the meds to start working and he probably got dehydrated.
Goodness @Fawkes I am glad you were able to get him to the vet for treatment. How scary.
Great news he is doing so much better . A picky eater? That sounds funny my drake will eat anything he love dog kibble too so you might try your drake on some high quality dog kibble. along with his feed. Unless the vet has him on a strict diet because of the infection..

Thanks so much for the update..

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