Coop about to go off grid

Now DH doesn't even want to go any futher here to explain actually he doesn't even want me to answer this post as he figured someone would come in and throw answers at it then break down and tear it apart. ...... Pretty much the way you did...

No one is tearing your post apart. I asked direct questions and made accurate comments.
If your husband was true to his convictions he would welcome the opportunity to discuss,
or even debate this topic.

I am still very proud of My Dear Husband and his hard work. And I will continue to brag and show his acomplishments.

I agree and said "I think it's sweet that you appreciate the tinkering your hubby did.".
I knew you weren't the technical person in this project and I never said you shouldn't
have posted it. When you make a post about anything on a public forum you should
expect varied responses.

I hope some day you may see it is much brighter when you don't look at the world through the fog of negativity.

If you ask anyone who knows me personally you will realize how wrong your assumption

Alternate energies can reduce dependence on limited and dirty energy supplies,
stimulate the economy, bring power where there never was power, and generally
increase the quality of life for BILLIONS of people. The trouble is we aren't focusing
on the technologies that can truly help and the whole movement is being cluttered with
politicians and corporations more worried about images than real progress.​
No wonder you need so much wattage.

Purple Chicken's Chicken

That's funny as heck. Got some eggs for that chicken? A bigger pot would be nice too.

Me unPC - Guilty as charged. Shouldn't you be barefoot in the kitchen or something?

(Just kidding)

Me pointing out the oilman's view??? No way

In my job, not only do I repair industrial generators and compressors but I teach people
how to reduce energy usage on a very large scale. Last week alone I reduced energy
consumption at two different facilities that's equal to the energy used by 10 houses. I could
have multiplied that by 10 if people weren't so locked in olds ways of thinking.
I go out every morning to the barn and coop in my nightdress, does that count?

PC, you crack me up.

Karenleaf, check this out. PC's AOK in my book.

Thanks Horsegirl and yes the nightdress does count. Lucky chickens.

Karan I'm sorry if I made you mad. Sometimes being direct (some would say rude)
stimulates conversation. Nothing I said was meant to be personal. If we were
neighbors I would have been hangin out with your hubby and trying to help.
Got any Rolling Rock in your fridge?
Karan, thanks for the info. Should hubby care to share ideas or sources or anything--- feel free to PM me. We lost our barn power ( electric company changed the breakers and politely declined to hook the barn back up-- unless we want to spend several thousand dollars for a second breaker--- so we've been considering other sources of power for the barn.
Thanks so much!
geezzz....i was just curious because im running an extension cord from my garage across the yard to the coop right now and have no electrical skills. Thought it might work for me, or others like me. Seems like lately so many simple posts are turning in to heated discussions.
Coincidence of coincidences...

I was on the road earlier and was thinking about solar power because of this thread.

Then I find myself smack dab in the middle of a solar car race! Right there on the open road! It was like... TOO COOL!

Check it out, I posted about it here:

I'd still love to hear more about karenleaf's solar stuff in the barn and wind generator....if she ever opens this thread again, that is.
Yes Nettie I will share ideas , sources and info..

I'd be more than glad too... After all that was the whole reason for starting this thread in the 1st place. I too have been using extension cords for power and as we have been trying to move buildings, and other items around the property and get things situated that is when DH decided to put the solar panel up for the coop & duck shed. It just wouldn't have been pratical before. But our Barn has been solar power since the day Dh finished building it. He sugests to anyone to check out he has a thread on there about the barns application.

Thanks Horsegirl I agree I think my DH is awesome too...
And he was when I met him in 81 at a Mother Earth News Chapter Meeting... We have been together ever since.... So we are not Newbies to the altertantive way of living movement.
I have been growing gardens in raised beds since 82, he made his 1st solar panel in 78. I guess that dates us huh

You are right every little bit does help, if everyone would live that way it would make a big difference in this world. Some folks are too busy moving with the big guys to see that sometimes there is really just a simple answer.
DH is more on action than beating something to death with debate or arguing as he would see it.
He is not one that feels it needs to be debated over again and again so much that it is picked apart into so many pieces that the core of the idea is lost in the battle. He rather put his energy into getting it done.

CritterHill yes I see you have got a lot of nice trees there.
Is there any open area close ? if so how far away from the coop? Or is it possable to remove a few trees for some sunlight? It maybe possable to set up a solar collection in an opening as a power source if it's not too far to run to the coop I will ask DH.
I'm just shooting from the hip right now... As for questions to find the answer.
You sure did put in alot of work that is a really nice run and the coop is excellent.

2Beauts & Ams3651 It would take more than the setup DH put on our coop to run heat, but it would run lights and lower wattage fan..

Buster there are many sources out there to find the bits and parts to put these type of alterturnatives at work for you. And you don't have to spend an arm and a leg... Check out MotherEarthNews & otherpower just to name a couple.

Catray-44 thanks for the good wishes

Ya all are a Good Bunch of people.....
And to think DH was the one that wanted to get the chickens in the 1st place I had got the ducks.

Timmo I checked out that site on the solarcars WOW that is Sooo Cool And that Missouri Unvrs is ranked 5th very very cool
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neato - I have something similar. a security light from harbor freight. It has a motion sensor so i can see when I get wood out of the shed - next to the coop.

Mine is kinda wacky though, I need to look at it. Sometime it works, sometimes it doesn't. I still like it.

I've always wanted to do a little rain water reclamation for the chickens. Still working on that

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