Coop Color Advice


9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
Hi there, My partner and I are getting chickens soon and we have a question: what color should we paint the hen house to maximize egg productivity and general happiness of the birds? Any suggestions you might have on shade, hue, and tone would be appreciated. Specific paint colors or CMYKs get bonus points. Thanks!
Whatever color you like and looks best with your house. The chickens don't care at all and don't see color the same way we do.
Maximum egg production depends on daylength, nutrition, genetics, lack of disease or heavy parasite load not whether their digs are mauve or chartreuse.
Picking the color is the fun part!!!!!!!!!
inside the coop, down low...some pleasing dark color that will help camouflage the dirt
eye level up a light colr might be nice, might help keep it cheerful and bright on dreary days
outside...your fave color or something to match surroundings

and i agree, this can be part of the fun :eek:) please keep us posted, pics please
My coop is an open air design and the inside is white to maximize the light with the floor a sandy tan color, almost the color of pine shavings.

The outside is the fun part. It could match the other buildings on your property or could be painted something contrasting and completely different. Just depends on how much you care what your neighbors think. Good luck!
I would take into account your sun exposure. I would avoid any dark colors if there is a lot of sun. Heat will hurt the birds long before winter cold will.
Picking the color is the fun part!!!!!!!!!
nice color choice - I had to highlight it to read it
inside the coop, down low...some pleasing dark color that will help camouflage the dirt
eye level up a light colr might be nice, might help keep it cheerful and bright on dreary days
outside...your fave color or something to match surroundings

and i agree, this can be part of the fun :eek:) please keep us posted, pics please
Good point and a light color probably complements day length. I also like East windows to maximize day length
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