Coop construction is underway!


12 Years
Jun 9, 2007
Central Ohio
Hi everyone,

I recently posted about the playhouse coop design debacle, and I am proud to report that my husband and I sat down this morning and designed our very own coop. Thanks to all the encouragement I received, both on the board and privately, I thought we'd be able to do it ourselves.

Our coop is 5.5 ft tall, 5 feet long and 4 feet wide. My husband already has the base built and is about to begin framing. I AM SO EXCITED! (pardon the yelling--I really am yelling here!!)

Thanks again to everyone. Oh, and the playhouse coop plans that I spent $35 on? They're in the fire pit.

Oh, and one quick my coop (5.5 ft tall at its peak, 5 ft long and 4 ft wide) big enough for my 5 girls? Guess I should have figured it out before we began building, but it certainly seems spacious to me...

Hi, my husband just finished our chicken coop (and I painted it barn red:). I don't know how many chickens you have. But we have 9 chickens and 1 rooster. Our coop is a little over 6 ft tall and 3 1/2 foot wide and 8 foot across the front. If that helps and our nesting boxes are milk crates screwed in up off the floor. Our roost are some one by fours and some tree pin oak tree limbs. They seem to love it. Our chickens are about 6 months old and have laid 8 eggs in the last two days! That is the best yet:) I have it on this website if you would like to take a look. It is under chicken coop design and construction. Best of luck on the building of your coop!
5 ft x 4 ft is 20 square feet. At the suggested 4 ft per bird, you have exactly the right amount of space for 5 hens. 4 sq ft each is generous, but certainly not extravagant.

Nice job!

I highly recommend "Building Chicken Coops" by the Storey Country Wisdom press. I got it brand new, from Barnes & Noble, for (I think) $3.95. It has all the specs on nest boxes, roost placement, etc. No plans, just helpful details.

Thank you, thank you! My DH has been holding out on me...the man is a genius with putting this stuff together. Okay, maybe "genius" is a strong word--he needs me to do measuring and especially the armchair direction--but we already have the base completely finished and tomorrow will put the studs up to frame it. I am so excited! I will definitely post pictures when we're finished.

Hi Amy,

This is Dennis, the designer of the Playhouse Coop. I read about your frustrations with the plans and other building aids that you purchased from me and wanted to respond to you and to any others who have had a similar experience. Raising chickens can and should be fun and exciting. My goal is to help you get started in chickens in a way that keeps the risk low and the enjoyment high. I am sorry that my plans did not work out for you. I’m glad that you were able to design your own coop!

I want to remind you of my “satisfaction guaranteed or your money back” policy. Please email or call me if you are not happy with your purchase. While most buyers are satisfied, (please read my feedback on Ebay) some do find the plans hard to understand. and ask for and receive a refund. While most buyers are satisfied, (please read my feedback on Ebay) some do find the plans hard to understand and ask for and receive a refund.

As for my asking price, I have arrived at this after many conversations with other coop builders. However, I realize too that my price ($35) may be beyond the budget or comfort zone of some. As stated in my initial response letter, I will accept offers for less.

Also, I would like to make it clear to others who might be interested in the Playhouse Coop that upon request. I send an evaluation copy of the plans and notes to anyone who wants to review them before committing to the purchase. I make this offer in the Ebay listing

This coop design continues to be a work in progress for me. I am working on finding ways to more clearly communicate this digital design, relying on your feedback and comments to guide me in my with updates. I appreciate the comments, and invite you to write to me directly about your experience with the Playhouse Coop Plans. I want to regain your trust.

Dennis Harrison-Noonan

[email protected]
Thanks Khable! I was hoping it was big enough that in the future, if I wanted to add a couple girls, I could. I thought the rule was 2 square feet per bird if they get time in a pen or free range? Is that true? Can't remember where I read that...

Hi Amy,

I read that it was 4 sq ft per bird inside the coop and a total of 10 sq ft per bird inside and out. (at least I think I remember the 10 sq ft correctly as being in and out... It could be outside
- if not someone please correct me.)

But... I have also read the 4 sq ft rule was generous and some use 3 sq ft. I personally think 2 sq ft would be a little tight unless you free range and they only go in to roost and nest.

I used the 4 sq ft rule and 10 sq ft in and out and I think it works perfectly... so far....

Disclaimer... I am still new to chickens... Mine are 10 weeks old, but I did do alot of reading.

I hope that helps some


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