Coop odor. Surprise!!!!!

6chickens in St. Charles

10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
St. Charles, IL
Geesh, am I nuts or.............. I invited Dear Hubby into the coop this morning, to help me figure if I'm nuts, or what?! He said the same thing happened to him yesterday morning, and its smells nice in there!

Smells, um, like chicken


...and a little like pine chips, and corn............ pleasant, really.

Its been around 4 degrees for a few days, after the blizzard, and the girdies have been stuck in there most days with just a few hours' break to get some sunnyshine midday, but mostly just diggin' away in the coop, fluffing their deep litter to their hearts' content. We don't add any heat or light (no electricity at all, little monkeybirds! they have no idea how to behave around a live wire)

They're 13 birds in a 6x6x6 coop. Maybe their breath is just the right amount of humidity, its not too dusty, not too moist in there. Just right, I guess. Smells puuurty good!

Are we kidding ourselves? Anybody else think their coop smells, um, GOOD?
Well that's the thing...........we haven't DONE anything to deserve it, hence wondering if we're nuts, at last.

Sometimes I think Purina formulates their feed to make nice poops. Other than feeding purina as the base diet, and throwing fresh pine chips on top of the old ones every couple weeks, we've done nothing; only rarely scrub ugly poop off their roost walls using dawn soap.

Oh, I'll bet this isn't the only nice smelling coop in the world. Or is it just too scary to admit? Is this "one of those things" one shouldn't admit to? Liking the smell of one's chicken coop?
if it's dry it should smell good, esp with shavings. It wont smell so perfect when it gets warmer out, hate to rain on your parade
6chickens in St. Charles :

Well that's the thing...........we haven't DONE anything to deserve it, hence wondering if we're nuts, at last.

Sometimes I think Purina formulates their feed to make nice poops. Other than feeding purina as the base diet, and throwing fresh pine chips on top of the old ones every couple weeks, we've done nothing; only rarely scrub ugly poop off their roost walls using dawn soap.

Oh, I'll bet this isn't the only nice smelling coop in the world. Or is it just too scary to admit? Is this "one of those things" one shouldn't admit to? Liking the smell of one's chicken coop?

If you are weird, than so am I. My coop, although small, smells fresh and "farmy". I work inside and like the smell. I use deep litter, putting fresh on top of the poos on the floor. They go outside all day, if they want, it stays pretty clean (except under the roosts) I only 5 birds in there now, 6 more in the brooder to join them soon. LOVE the smell. Even in summer, is ok. Just agreeing with you.​
I like mine, too. It smells earthy, even sometimes when I can see lots of poo, not stinky. I think the deep litter helps, and lots of straw and wood shavings. Nice!

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