Guide Coop pages and member pages tutorial and feedback

This is a coop made out of an old sun chair.

I put wheelbarrow handles on one end to make it easy to maneuver around the yard.
Old tarps and feed bags keep out the draft.

Heavy wire mesh protects the birds and allows good ventilation.

This coop was built for young birds, or a pair of adult birds.
These chicks settled right in and soon learned to use the two perches above.

The chair back can drop all the way down to open the coop.
Lifting the back closes things and keeps the chicks safe.

The food and water do fit in the coop when closed.
When the coop is open, I put the food and water under the chair for easy access and safety while eating and drinking.

A piece of metal roofing covers the coop and keeps the chickens dry.
Bailing twine holds everything together. The entire project was done using recycled materials from the farm.
This coop fostered my young chicks and is now the home of a pair of bard-rocks.

I have a second chair in the works. It will be similar in construction.
I would not say these coop designs are predator proof. But with the addition of electric mesh netting, this habitat remains a safe place for the birds.
They can easily duck under the structure for protection against arial predators too.
I'm trying to add my coop page. I go to Coops>Add my own coop> which takes me to a page saying something like click here to go to page with new coop competition to submit your coop which then leads me here but still not clear on how to upload my coop photos....
I'm trying to add my coop page. I go to Coops>Add my own coop> which takes me to a page saying something like click here to go to page with new coop competition to submit your coop which then leads me here but still not clear on how to upload my coop photos....

Pretty sure there is a minimum number of posts before you can add a coop page so I don't think you can do it just yet. I'm sure others will chime in if I'm wrong.
This is the start of my chicken coop. The part that you can see is made from a cheap Ikea cupboard so the inside will be easy to clean. The floor is an old inside door. All the material I use is recycled.
I just have two leghorn chickens which came from a battery.

The back panels of the cupboard are used to make the roof

Inside the coop I put some sand to make the cleaning easier

Two nesting boxes for privacy

The look from the side

Back view
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Is anyone else having the same problems I am having with adding our new coop to the lists of those already displayed? The link to add a coop goes to this thread telling me how to do what I just did. If I click the link within the thread, it tells me I do not have sufficient permission. It seems like a broken loop.
Is anyone else having the same problems I am having with adding our new coop to the lists of those already displayed?  The link to add a coop goes to this thread telling me how to do what I just did.  If I click the link within the thread, it tells me I do not have sufficient permission.  It seems like a broken loop.

Hi there :frow

Once you have made your coop page you need to enter the link for it in the coop contest which can be found here ~
If you are unable to make a coop page yet please don't worry, you may just need a few more posts (About 10 I think) to be able to create one. The more you post the more features like this become available to you.
Coops which are entered in the contest are then added to seperate coop sections by staff once the contest has finished. How this works is explained in the first post of the contest thread.
Hope this helps with answering your question and good luck in the contest if you enter :D
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Nope. Still does not work. I got a cryptic message from the site saying "because too much SPAM has been showing up", and until I participate in an unspecified number of pages or activities, I will not be allowed to post my coop. Not SPAM from me, but apparently from other participants. I'm not a forum follower, or big into postings, so I guess I'm out of luck. I did try to leave an online review about our new automatic chicken door, but was again denied access for that purpose.
Nope. Still does not work. I got a cryptic message from the site saying "because too much SPAM has been showing up", and until I participate in an unspecified number of pages or activities, I will not be allowed to post my coop. Not SPAM from me, but apparently from other participants. I'm not a forum follower, or big into postings, so I guess I'm out of luck. I did try to leave an online review about our new automatic chicken door, but was again denied access for that purpose.

That's unfortunately a step we had to take to discourage spammers and people just creating accounts for the sole purpose of leaving bad reviews or to trash a company.

We hope you will change your mind and participate here with us. :)
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