Coop under Construction


8 Years
Sep 12, 2011
Stafford Springs
Hi, So I just started raising chickens this past spring. i built this coop from scratch using reclaimed wood and some from home depot which was pricey compared to free off of CL.
I think total came to about 300$ Ive never built any structure b4 so this was a learning lesson. Any critiques would be great. I actually dont have a final picture b4 I winterized it with plastic. I am working on re-constructing the inside 8x4 enclosed area within the main 16x8 structure. I have 15 bantams and 4STD size. Heres some pics
This is the beginning frame....

I decided to double it haha

Plywood walls and roof going up


Side with a little door up high for the guinea hens

Pretty much final product-I added cross slats(2x4's) horizontally in front half way up for mor wire/structure support. And used 8x4ft flashing, its white so great in the summer for temp purposes
So basically what I need help on is some ideas for the interior enclosure within the main structure. It tends to hold moisure in and Im pretty sure a window would be good but unfortunately I cant act on all these ideas seeming how winter is almost on top of us here in NE. I want the most space efficient for roosts and a nesting box I have yet to install. I found a small book shelf that I would like to attach onto the back of the coop and cut 2 rectangle holes(2 shelves) in the bk wall so it does not protrude into my coop. Im thinking about makeing the 4x8 into a 4x4x4 raised corner box. i hope this is not confusing:idunno. I want to have an easier way to clean the poo that is creating all the moisture. Thanks in advance to my byc friends:)
Example pic:

This is a separate corner box(about 3x3x3) for just a trio of Dutches but a good example of what Im tking about doing in a bigger version
Your coop looks nice. Incorporating storage inside is a good idea. I wish we had done that. One thing that has been helpful in our coop was placing boards underneath each of the roost to catch the majority of the droppings. To clean it I use a wide paint scraper and scrape it clean into a bucket. That helps keep the straw we use for bedding clean for a longer period. There is lots of good information on this BYC site about nest boxes and other questions you may as time goes on.
Thats a good idea and actually a reminder, i need to clean mine.... I did put 1x6's under the roosts but they seem to shoot over it:barnie Maybe it should be a little wider or closer under there roosting branch. Thanks

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