Coop Ventilation


Mar 10, 2017
Westchester, NY
My coop is 6 by 4 ft. (coop, not run) and is an adapted Wichita Cabin Coop design.
My coop is insulated with vents at the slanted top, as seen in the pic.

(kind of like this but on a bigger scale)
I was wondering if it is necessary to have a vent on opposite wall close to the floor in order to properly circulate the air. I'm planning to do deep litter method and I heard that you need optimal circulation.

Do I need the vent or am I over thinking this?
I want my chickens' lungs to be healthy but I also don't want the coop to be too drafty in our zone 6 winters.
With this sort of design, the pop door can be left open, along with the venting under the eaves all year long. The larger windows should be closed up during inclement weather to keep out rain or snow.
Not really if the back side also has venting along the eaves. Although I would change one element of this coop and that would that instead of having the windows in the middle of the walls, I'd eliminate them completely. Instead, I'd leave the top 3 to 4 inches of the walls open along the top. That way, plenty of light gets into the coop, it adds more ventilation, and you don't have to worry about blowing rain and snow thanks to the massive overhang on the roof.

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