Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I lot of (electronic) ink is being spilled about the 5 day quarantine.
I believe this is because of the natural evolution of the disease. Most every new infection begins as something heinous and over time becomes more benign.
I was "Covid nurse" from day one in the ICU, ED and stepdown units and can tell you that what exist now is nothing like what it started as.
Having said that, I believe the whole thing was criminally mismanaged at every level.
It was really like living in a movie. A pandemic of great uncertainty and I was smack in the middle of who knows. What happened, happening and will happen
Keeping a score card just sounds morbid. There were no winners in covid. No matter where you stood we all lost regardless of whether a life near you was lost or not
Morbid? Avoiding reality, to me, is morbid. Loss from a distance, and loss up close are too entirely different things.

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