Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I've never had it. Knock on wood.
I guess I'm in the category people would call elderly (72), though I don't feel old. That is until I walk past a mirror and wonder who the stranger is in my house.
But I had all the vaccines, except the last one.
I live in a populous city but I keep my distance. I haven't worn a mask in over a year. I was extremely cautious in 2020 never going anywhere and also in 2021. Everyone at the gym I go to about 5 days a week is fastidious about cleaning equipment after use. (personally, I think they go overboard)
I believe that is why I have an immune system. Regarding the vaccines. I trust them and chose to protect myself.
I don't want a debate here but the people I've met that told me masks don't help have had me wanting to ask if they would be OK with if they needed surgery and the surgeon operating on them did so without wearing a mask. If the guy just said he didn't think they worked and you shouldn't worry - as in, take him at his word. After all, why do medical staff in an operating room always wear masks?
A couple years ago, I saw a bunch of pictures from 1918 thru 1920. Large groups of people and children at play. Everyone was wearing a mask. They didn't doubt.
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I've never had it. Knock on wood.
I guess I'm in the category people would call elderly (72), though I don't feel old. That is until I walk past mirror and wonder who the stranger is in my house.
But I had all the vaccines, except the last one.
I live in a populous city but I keep my distance. I haven't worn a mask in over a year. I was extremely cautious in 2020 never going anywhere and also in 2021. Everyone at the gym I go to about 5 days a week is fastidious about cleaning equipment after use. (personally, I think they go overboard)
My husband and I are in our 70's. Our life never changed. No testing, no shots, no masks, never sick. No we do not live on Mars. We live in Ft. Myers FL.
For the life of me I don't know why I chimed in on this discussion.

Peace out!
The absolute beauty of being a child of God is that he had the wisdom to make us all different. And the miraculous part is that He loves us all. There is a place for each and every one of us. Rejoice in our differences. Live and let live, agree to disagree. ✌️🐥🐥🐥🐔🐔🐔
The people who got as we say ‘long covid’ don’t get better. There seems to be no cure for this fatigue.

Two days ago I spoke to a young woman who lived independent, and got covid. These past years she lives with her mother again because she even cant do her own personal household. There is no improvement. 😢 She lives nearby and I gave her and her mother some advice in keeping chickens, its her main hobby now.

I had my vaccins, but skipped the vaccination program in the autumn of 2022. A few months later I got covid for the first time. I was very sick for about 10 days and rather exhausted for 1- 2 months.
Reason enough to get the vaccin again last autumn even if it makes me sick every time I get one for a couple of days.
Im very glad I was careful in the beginning of it all and didn’t get sick of the original alpa and beta strains.

Now the virologist here are afraid for the next thing to come. A contagious bird flu variant.

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