Could you guys pray for me, please?


I'm an original
12 Years
Jun 12, 2007
Tioga, Louisiana
Nothing serious going on, just stress. I'm happy, then the next minute I want to cry...then go for the throat of anyone who tries to talk to me. I know Aunt Flo is on her way, so that's most of it, but it's just not cool.
For the most part, though, it's work & school & family...everything's just piling up.

So if you guys could pray for me, that'd be great. Thanks.
got mine!!!
Thank You Father God that You already paid for our sin AND iniquities! i ask for strength for my sister to leave all issues at YOUR feet and not to pick them up again. Holy Spirit, touch her right now and fill her up. spirit of frustration, you have no place in her. in Jesus' name, you are commanded to leave. thank You for hearing and honoring our prayers. in Jesus' name, amen.

be well.
I know all too well what your going through, it's called LIFE. I've had a migraine for 3 weeks and I take meds daily for them already.
Prayer being sent for you

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