Could you incubate eggs under an electric hen brooder?

Bantam Username

8 Years
Aug 3, 2011
Wiltshire, UK
Just a thought that occurred to me, would it be possible to incubate eggs under an electric hen brooder plate?
If you could keep a constant 99.5F and proper humidity, and turn the eggs 4 times per day, it is possible but not ideal.
Its not something I'm going to do, it just occurred to me so I thought I'd ask, since its meant to be used instead of a broody hen.

An electric hen is a heat plate on stilts, that the chicks can gather under to keep warm.
Brinsea make a very expensive incubator that's a bit like that, except the hot plate is soft and it moulds itself round the tops of the eggs. They call it a contact incubator, cause the eggs are being warmed by contact the same way they would be under a broody hen.
I am bringing this subject back to life!!!!
I am gonna need to do this and I think it makes sense.......I do not have money for incubators ideas?/
I am bringing this subject back to life!!!!
I am gonna need to do this and I think it makes sense.......I do not have money for incubators ideas?/
If you have $75 for an electric plate, you can get a HovaBator for the same price...

It may work out, many odd things do, but I wouldn't count on it.

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