Country farmette with all the privileges?

bfc chicks

Apr 19, 2017
I don't know if this is the right spot but here goes. Why I'm bfc i dont know I usually go by BFAD, which was the name of my farmette for Alpine dairy goats. I have been raising animals for 65 years, starting with rabbits and now ending up with 2 Jersey cows, 2 alpine goats, 16 muscovy ducks, 24 chickens, and 5 rabbits. Geese, pekins, sheep, quail, guineas are all gone for now, i have 7 breeds of chickens, Barred rock, Rhode Island Reds, Americanus blues, Leghorns, Buff Orpington, Silver Spangled Wyndotes, and Austroloffs. I breed for temperament, size, layability, egg size, and good mothers. Since I'm off ihe grid I have to carry my water, light my lamps, and grow a lot of my own food. I like to experiment with raising heritage grains, corns, mangels, and non gmo garden crops as well as trying to see how self sustaining I can be in utilizing my land and crops. Example, feedng corn fodder, til March, growing a high protein hay using comfrey, clovers, and timothy, growing old time heritage grains and use leaves, mulch hay, and straw for bedding. All good compost builders, use composting toilet and return every thing to the earth as in the book, Humanure Handbook by Joseph C.Jenkins, there by leaving as small a footprint as possible. I try to use the techniques I was raised with and therefore use crop rotation and seed preservation, and soil building to my best. Yes i often get lambs quarters, 9 ft. tall, burdock the size of small trees, and many other types of not so familiar plants to eat but tjsts all part of tbe cycle. I hope this gives a small window of who i am.
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