Cozy Coop Heater - Pros/Cons, Pictures?

We live in a very humid environment here in waaaaaaaaaay-Southern Ohio. The temperature extremes are in the nineties during the summer and can be below zero for a few days or a week at a time in the winter. Yesterday was 70° F, tomorrow is supposed to be 30° with nights in the teens. I do have a Cozy Coop heater and use it when the temps are below 40° and my girls are molting, or when it’s below zero (even if they’re not molting). That said, I have it mounted to the wall nowhere near the roosts, don‘t leave it on all the time, AND we have a whole-house generator for when we frequently lose power. My girls do stand in front of it when they’re molting and it’s cold, but generally don’t after their feathers come back in.
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I'm curious..why not have it in front of the roosts? I just did that, thinking it'll keep their faces and feet warm? Thoughts?
I remember when we were facing our first winter with our chickens. We debated about using Night storage heaters but ended up going with a different solution. It's great to hear the Cozy Coop Heater comes recommended. Placing it under the roost seems logical; that way, it can provide warmth while your chickens rest. Hopefully, it keeps them comfy through those chilly nights!

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