Craigslist Eggs


7 Years
Oct 29, 2016
Fulton, NY
Well, I picked up 84 Coturnix Quail eggs for the incubator that I had found on Craigslist in my local town for $2/dozen. I don't need 84 more quail (I do not need 42 more quail) but, I like to incubate and figured if I can get 50% hatch I could sell them for $1/bird after hatch and make $30 profit. Probably not the best time of the year but, I was having incubating withdraw and need to get something cooking. If they don't sell, I'll throw them in the freezer. No biggie. When I asked how his hatch rates have been, he informed me that he's been a little lazy with culling roosters and his rooster to hen ratio is nearly 1:1 and I shouldn't have a problem with fertility. He also said that he's collected them for me for a few days and been turning them 2 - 3 times/day.

So, I got them home and let them rest for a few hours and put them in the incubator. I've had decent success with my home made incubator but, I've never had more than 10-15 in there at once. This is going to be a good test for me. I don't candle until I move them to lockdown so, I'll post my hatchkeeper info in 2 weeks at lockdown.
Noticed a putrid smell coming from the incubator about a week into incubating. Turns out, one of the eggs cracked and leaked onto the turner and was rotting. Couldn't take the smell, so I attempted to remove it. I ended up losing 6 eggs because it was fused to the turner and in the process of removing, I dropped or cracked another 5. I added that number to my non-fertile number. In all, I placed 67 eggs in lockdown.
Thanks. We'll see this weekend. Going to a Flea Market to get pre-orders for my meat chickens on Saturday. I'd like to sell about 100 of them.
Left for work tonight and found 3 early hatches. Tomorrow is day 18 and figured 3 out of 67 early risers isn't bad. I'll move them to brooder in the morning.

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