Crane Information


Suburban Cochins
10 Years
Aug 11, 2009
Taunton, MA
My mother gave me the okay to buy a pair of cranes! I have saved enough money to buy the cranes and housing. There is very little (actually none that I can find) information about crane care that I can find about on the net. I want to either get Demoiselle cranes or West or East African Cranes, I would like help with deciding this for beginner level. I would also like to know as much info as you can provide, shelter size, pen size, food, after initial cost, how much do you spend a year? Are they loud? Permits..ETC.
Thanks and Cheers,
Before you worry about basic care.

Start with your city ordinances, then county and finally state on if you can even have them where you live, and if there are any permits required.
Yes...find out your state laws pertaining to keeping cranes. I have East African Crowned cranes. I really enjoy them. I have raised mine from three months old and pinioned them, and taught them to freerange with my swan and Egyptian geese they grew up with. Not everyone can do this thou..and they can easily clear a eight foot fence with pinioned wing.... Id give as big and as high a flight pen as you can make when choosing any crane species. The more room you give the happier they are and the more you can enjoy their crazy antics. 50ft x 100 ft would be a good start..... Not sure the size others keep them in. I've seen people use a large dog hut type cover for them and for them to nest in. They are very smart an active birds...they get bored easily. Fill their pen with lots of tree limbs, sticks and play things. Mine love to play with wads of moss and to flip sticks in the air and dance about....hide food in areas and on tree limbs for them to look for. I get food from Mazuri ordered for them. One large bag ($30) lasts me about two months but mine freerange and eat bugs , seeds and grasses etc. They also like to play in water.....wade about and such. They are very curious and like to tear up stuff. They are not docile like chickens and can be dangerous when handled or scared, but mine were not handraised so a handraised may be more social, They do however follow me and watch what i am doing..... They enjoy following my herd of llama and alpaca, they love teasing the chickens and stealing dog food from the dogs..... :lol:
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Thanks so much for the information! I have to check with my town as far as regulations, I guess Im good for state! I wish I could let them free range, I live right on a lake and I am afraid they would take off, I will just have to make a big pen like you said. Chickenzoo thanks so much for all the info, it really does help alot! I decided on the Demoiselle cranes due to there winter hardiness! I guess they live in Siberia for part of there lives!


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