Crazy hen has a bright idea


11 Years
May 19, 2008
East Bethel MN
Just a little over a month ago my little bantam frizzled hen went broody so I bought her 3 feed store standard pullets that were about a week old at that time. SHe raised them for 3 weeks and then went back to laying and being herself again. Well for the past few days I had been noticing this container I keep spare light bulbs in inside the coop dumped over. Friday I go out to the coop and notice that hen is laying on the floor by the bucket of light bulbs. 3 of the 4 light bulbs that were in that bucket were MIA so I lift her up and voila found the missing light bulbs. Here is a few videos of her new addiction.

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Omg so funny. and I think the funniest thing about it is that this is not the first story I've heard about a hen sitting on a light bulb. There's never a dull moment when you have chickens.
Wow, that is pretty cool, Now I know where to look for something if it ever goes missing when mine get broody
, Glad you shared
You reckon she'll hatch flashbulbs? Bless her little heart. She look like a porcupine chicken in the first video.
LOL Thanks guys :D She was very determined to hatch them. However for her safety sake I took the bucket o light bulbs and moved them to where she can't get at them. I was afraid she would break one and still try sitting on it and end up getting cut.
Aww thanks. They can be very creative if the mood strikes them apparently LOL. I think after raising those standard girls she no longer had a taste for hatching bantam eggs so she moved up to something a bit bigger. hahahaha
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