Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

Yes, she is a she.  What you may see on the legs is an illusion from the lighting.  She is legbar x turken x ????  Granddad was supposed to be a Wheaten marans, but none the pullets I got out of that mix lay dark brown eggs.  I am suspecting it was a Salmon faverolles mix and not a Marans.  

Marans crosses do not always inherit the dark eggs gene. So it is still possible that her granddaddy was a Marans.
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Omg, I love them.  Would love to see a picture of the Rooster.

Sorry I took so long to respond. Here is a picture of the Rooster.

I had a chick hatch this morning from a crested cream legbar hen mated by a turken (naked neck)/easter egger mix roo. What can you tell me about this chick? Would it be auto-sexing? I hope not because it doesn't have dark chipmunk stripes down its back, which would mean male!

I had a chick hatch this morning from a crested cream legbar hen mated by a turken (naked neck)/easter egger mix roo. What can you tell me about this chick? Would it be auto-sexing? I hope not because it doesn't have dark chipmunk stripes down its back, which would mean male!
So cute. But the. I think that anything with a Nakwd Neck is pretty.
I had a chick hatch this morning from a crested cream legbar hen mated by a turken (naked neck)/easter egger mix roo. What can you tell me about this chick? Would it be auto-sexing? I hope not because it doesn't have dark chipmunk stripes down its back, which would mean male!
In my experience, the lighter chicks are usually male. I have crossed a duckwing turken EE rooster with legbar and ameraucana hens. If your hen is barred, the male chicks should have a light spot on the head. I think being a turken makes it difficult to determine if the spot is there or not.

In March I hatched 7 chicks with this cross. I had two dark chicks with eyeliner. They are pullets now. The others (the light ones) I gave to a neighbor and now she has little cockerels. She says one of the light ones might be a pullet but they are not laying or crowing yet.

Two days old. Pullet to the left of the black chick. Other pullet is at the top of the pic.

Pullet on the left, cockerel on the right.

At two weeks, all boys (no eyeliner)

Pullet at 18 weeks.
Here it is dry. Probably a boy???

I would guess he is a boy, but you should wait a few weeks to see for sure. My turken boys mature very quickly and I can tell in 14 - 20 days if they are cockerels. Please post pictures as he gets older so we can follow his progress. I'd love to see his little crest coming in.

Just think, in 5 or 6 months you can breed him to your hens and you'll have gazillions of little Turkens running around. Cuteness overload!

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