Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Hi guys. Here's my current pick for my main roo. I was hoping you guys could tell me if you see any big faults. I have two other Roos but one has a floppy comb and the other has a LOT of chestnut. Thoughts please?



The barring on his body appears rather fuzzy in these pics. I like how his saddle and hackle match, that's a plus. He has too many points on his comb. His crest is on the smaller side, but he does have one, which is good. He may have only one creating gene with a crest that size, so watch his daughters. Can you get us a side view without the wire?
Sure, here's another pic:


Do you think one of my other Roos would work better? The first one is Prince, his comb is floppy... Or I should say it's about 70% erect most of the time. The second is Voldemort.


Thanks a lot for taking the time to help me.
I like the tail on your middle boy best so far. The first and third look like they might have some squirrel tail going on there. I like your nice wedge shaped bodies. All three have smallish crests, which is probably why they have such fantastic combs. If you get a big crested male, the comb almost always flops to one side to make room. I've only had one cockerel with a reasonable balance of straightish comb and large crest, I've dubbed him Fabio


I'm sure there are other examples out there, but this is closer to the desired crest, although Fabio's comb isn't the most beautiful, it is much straighter than normal for a crest of that size.
Fabio has his faults too, even in that headshot there, his earlobes don't possess enough pearly white, something your handsome males do have. Another thing to consider, the hens you will be breeding to. Fabio will need to be bred to a hen with very pearly white earlobes to make up for his lack thereof.

This pullet should have the complementary earlobes I need when she finishes growing out. She was a summertime hatch ( surprise!) But she looks pretty good. Mine are mostly the golden crele color. Cream is the dilution of the gold in crele, but the chestnut on the wingbow and sometimes on the crest is a different gene from cream diluter.
Could someone post some good close up pics front and profile of some birds that match exactly the standard of perfection .Put some arrows on each place the standard describes. There may already be some posts doing this but I don't want to go through 389 posts looking for them. Have a nice day
Could someone post some good close up pics front and profile of some birds that match exactly the standard of perfection .Put some arrows on each place the standard describes. There may already be some posts doing this but I don't want to go through 389 posts looking for them. Have a nice day
Harry mentor in the UK got the breeding flock from a lady who had breed it for five years. Then she breed it for another 7-8 years. It was a really good line and she told me that the longer she work with the breed the more consvinced she was that she never has seen a Cream Legbar that match exactly the standard of perfection and the more convinced she was that she never would.

Breed standards of perfection (SOP) are not written to describe what a bird is but rather what we would like it to be if we could pick and choose the best of the best. We may never see a bird that matches exactly the SOP but do our best to produce what we feel is the best live bird representation of an idealized standard.

You really should go back through the first 50 pages. You will learn what went into the writing of the proposed APA standard of Perfection for the breed and get ideas of how you want to breed your flock in the process.

Here are some "Idealizations" that I did. I am not an artist so they are limited but I created them to help people who what to learn.

I did a presentation at one of the Cream Legbar Club's on-line meetings a while back. I gave a club member in Australia name Terry Hill permission to use all the photos and information from that meeting on a website that Terry was building to educate breeder over there. You can get all the information Terry posted HERE. It covers what the head, neck, wings, feet, tail, etc. Should look like. My source for that presentation was the English SOP (HERE) and the first 50 page of this thread. So once you read the beginning of this thread you will have all information you need to understand the SOP. Then you can spend the next 15 years trying to see how close you can breed your flock to the Standard. :)
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Thanks Gary my birds look pretty close to the standard .I am setting eggs this week. I am using my best rooster. He has the straight comb and my hens are pretty .Just have to play the waiting game now. I will post results down the line. I also joined the CL club should be a wealth of info there
Have a nice day
My one femal CL is gasping for air with every heart beat.... Dosent want to walk and its abdomen feels tighter possibly bloated more than the other 32 chicks i have right now. Laying down and refuses to walk. 4 days old.... What to do. None of the other chickens are havkng any problems. So shouldbt be heat l, food, water or brooder bedding.... Could she be backed up with poop? Should i just leave her alone instead of compounding problems?

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