Cream Legbars

Hi guys. I have loved looking at all of your pictures. I think this is a Cream Legbar, while not from a breeder but a hatchery I was wondering if you could help me confirm the identity. I got her from an overrun bin. I thought they were some other breed but then the feathers at the top of the head started to show and I still didn't realize what it was. I am pretty sure, but since I never have seen them just want to see what you think...
What a sweet face!
You might want to check with Samantha Kellerman High View Farm - she used to be in Dripping Springs but moved somewhere else in the Hill Country. She got her Cream Legbars from GFF - and I got my first pair from her -- and have been really pleased.... also got my first Isbars from Samantha. good luck with your search!

Here is her site:
I didn't know that Samantha moved. She won a auction for Cream Legbars a little over 5 years ago. My wife was at her home the day the post office dropped off the box from Green Fire Farm. The chicks were all still in the shipping box when my wife picked out our first two pair of Cream Legbars. It is hard to believe that the pullets that arrived in that box are all now 5 year old hens. Samantha seems to have changed around what breeds she works with a lot over the years, but the Cream Legbars have been a constant. She would be an outstanding place to look for Cream Legbars especially if she still has some of those 5 Year old hens in the breeding pen. They are direct offspring of the first imported birds to the USA. :)
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All my chickens love these potted citrus trees. I find the Bielefelders there all the time and yesterday a Blue Marans pullet laid her first egg in one of the pots.
You might want to check with Samantha Kellerman High View Farm - she used to be in Dripping Springs but moved somewhere else in the Hill Country.  She got her Cream Legbars from GFF - and I got my first pair from her -- and have been really pleased.... also got my first Isbars from Samantha.   good luck with your search!

Here is her site:

Thank you so much! I have driven past that farm a billion times! Her birds look beautiful!
Hey you have any bielefelder X legbar crosses , if so what color eggs do they lay ? Could you post a picture of the eggs, if you have some ?

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