Cream Legbars

YOU DID, and I mis-read it.  Sorry :oops: , I think I need new glasses.  

I find it's quite funny how people could miscommunicate.
I'm a foreigner so that could another reason of having misunderstanding.
Thanks for everybody for help. Yes, you're right about that she has strong barred gene. She has much lighter barring color than my other legbar chick, even though she has darker down color.
Lovely egg! I'm setting more eggs soon - I got no pullets from my Lissa, so I'm having a go with just her eggs.

So, the earlier chicks are three weeks old. And one of the boys is CROWING!!! Sounds like someone stepped on a squeaky toy, but unmistakable (I watched the little bugger do it). Holy Moley - I know they can start early, but I did think THAT early.

(He crows when his Daddy crows outside. Not when the other roosters crow. It's cute.

- Ant Farm
How cute!! You need to name him Chip.
Chip & Dale!

I have 6 week old roosters and they are not making a sound! It's not fair..
Oh goodness, be careful what you wish for. I am allowed to have roosters, but I always worry that someone will still have a noise complaint, since I'm in a residential neighborhood (not a rural area/farm) - similar level of worry as someone who has a dog that barks a lot, and is worried the neighbors will complain.

I want as much time as possible to evaluate before needing to make decisions. I don't need a whole group of crowing cockerels in their growout pen!!!

- Ant Farm
I have 6 week old roosters and they are not making a sound! It's not fair..

Here is Tuesday and Wednesday's hatch, they just got moved to the larger cage this Morning they are so cute!!

Hoping the cockerel will crow is like encouraging the first child to walk ... there's no redo on that one.

btw - nice wide stance on those chiclets, I hope they maintain that as they mature.
My cockerels didn't crow till 12 weeks or so I guess..... but they have made up for lost time. They are holy terrors right now with hormones raging. They are mean to the CL hens and mean to the older flock hens. I have three and they help each other be mean. They will all gang up on a hen. My CL pullets don't want to go in the coop at night and be in a no-escape situation. I have to pick out one or possibly two to keep..... but I am not sure I want to keep any. I have written before about what I like and don't like about them. I hope to get some pictures and ask for everyone's help here. I know it won't be long before they realize they can take on my Ameraucana flock rooster. He is small but he is mighty. They are 22 weeks They still give me a wide berth and show no aggression towards me.

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