Cream Legbars

Are u sure that isn't a bielefelder? They have small combs. Here is a picture from greenfire farm's website of one.

Their tails are generally down to. While the CL's are more erect. I am new though and could be wrong...
May have been @GaryDean26 I posted a picture of a hen with a masculine face and large comb and mentioned I would not be breeding her and he was telling me about a similar case he had. Going to put this one in a quarantine pen in a week or two and see if she is laying. If so she will be sold as a layer. If not I guess we have soup.
When I worked in the commercial breeding houses for Tyson, The owner had a name they called hens like that. But for the life of me, I can not remember the word they used. He would use a "chicken catcher" to grab them by the leg to remove them from the flock. There would be 2 or 3 of them every time Tyson brought a new flock. These 'hens' were removed because they did not lay........

Not really good photos, but this was our Masculine Marans Hen.

The Head said Rooster

The Body said Hen

And these are her lovely spurs. She was the only Marans hen to date that I have seen get spurs (the Cream Legbar on the other hand has produced a ton of hens spurs. We have culled for hens spurs every year).

When we were trying to figure out if this was a Henny Feathered Rooster and a Masculine Hen a Marans breeder sent me the link to a study on gender reversals. The article since has been moved and I didn't save a copy, but Here is a similar article.

I was also sent a link (which is still valid HERE) that was on Chrimeras which can exhibit male characteristics on the right side of the body and female characteristic on the Left side (or visa versa).
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I this guy crested or not? I always thought he wasn't, but now it looks like there might be a little? Or maybe I'm just trying to convince myself because he is my best "type" cockerel.

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I this guy crested or not? I always thought he wasn't, but now it looks like there might be a little? Or maybe I'm just trying to convince myself because he is my best "type" cockerel.

It is hard to say, although I would guess that he doesn't have a crest...he has such a gorgeous head, and is a nice cockerel - and since the crest gene is dominant, you may want to use him because his offspring would have crests when paired with crested females. you have a really nice comb going - and straight combs are a premium... I would even select a small crested, small combed female as one to pair with him -- to retain the straight comb. JMO - - good luck with your decision.
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That is HUGE for a pullet egg. Congratulations. No, we would never get tired of updates on people's CLs. Did you by any chance weigh the egg on a kitchen scale?/

Well it isn't a pullet egg. I purchased a slightly used pair of Legbars to start my flock. She quit laying after the move. :) I am just excited she is laying.
Oh that makes a lot of sense -- I'm tuned into pullets because my Easter hatched chicks are starting now... (I guess if they are laying they are hardly chicks anylonger!!) -- Really nice size on that egg...and happy that she now feels at home enough to lay.... woooWhoo! Congrats again. :O)

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