Creatively Altered Pics (Inspired by Purple Chicken)

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok I had to play. Spent about one hour on this, it's made up of three different pictures of him so I could get the right pose. One for his body, one for his wing, and one for his head. This is a picture of my mille fleur d'Uccle cockerel, Rambo, thus named because he's been a trooper from the start, beginning when he hatched a full two days before anyone else. He's such a love, not a murderer, but still, I had to make this. I don't know about you, but I'd totally see a chicken Rambo movie. Even if you're antiviolence, this is funny.

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ok I showed DH the pictures you have madefor us - and said " you people have way to much time on your hands LOl " but he really loves the Dixieduck.

that eagle seabright mix is awesome - took me a few minutes to realize what i was looking at LOL

love little Rambo I dont want to mess with his flock lol

Is this what they mean about a mutt chicken?

Looks like a mutt chicken to me, unless that is a purebred. Maybe it is a labrachick.

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