Crockpot Chicken with Sweet Potatoes and Apples (PICS)


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Jan 21, 2007
Thousand Oaks, California
I tried an experiment today and it actually worked!

One 3-1/2 to 4lb roasting chicken
One sweet potato
Two apples
Pumpkin or All Spice
Apple Cider or Juice

Cut sweet potatoes into quarters and place one on each corner of the crockpot. Add sliced apples. Add just enough apple cider or juice to cover (or almost cover) the sweet potatoes.
Remove giblets from chicken. Feed giblets to chickens.
No, seriously. The fought over the liver.
Pull skin from chicken (I didn't remove it until after the chicken was done), wash with water, dry with paper towel, and sprinkle with some All Spice or Pumpkin Spice.
Place chicken in crockpot, on top of potatoes and apples.


Cook on high for approx. 5 hours, until juices run clear and meat is no longer pink. Turn and baste once.


The meat literally fell off the bone! It was too late for dinner tonight (we picked from it a bit and it was really good) so I'm storing it with the chicken and potatoes together, the apples in one container, and the juices in another.


I'm going to serve the sweet potatoes with the apples, along with some butter and brown sugar. YUM!
Thank you for sharing. That looks fantastic. I am definetley going to try that. I do chicken in the crockpot often, and I am sure my family is getting tired of the same ole, same ole. So this will spice things up a bit!
I've never thought of doing a whole chicken in the crockpot like that. I saw it on Yahoo Foods. It was so easy, too!
thechickenchick- What do you put in the crockpot with the chicken?
I do everything in the crock pot-- I start my chicken soup/stew/pie/chicken and dumplings in the crockpot all the time. In goes the chicken, some onion, garlic, salt, pepper, celery stalks, carrots. Cook on high til you reach a simmer-- turn down to low for the rest of the day. Remove pot from electric base-- out on the sunporch overnight (when it's cold). Next morning-- take the meat off the bone, set aside.. Remove celery stalks. Use my immersion blender and whir up all the stock with the veggies left in there. This is where I "start again". Put meat back in, add peeled and diced carrots, sliced celery, diced onion and whatever other veggies I want- cook on high for a few hours.

What happens next depends on what I'm doing with my "base soup". I sometimes add diced potato, cooked rice, or noodles and continue to cook for soup. Sometimes with the taters, I thicken once they're done, and have stew, or add dumplings for chicken and dumplings. If I'm going to use it for pot pie, I dice veggies fairly small, then turn it over into a baking pan and add crust or biscuit top and bake to finish.

I also cook roasts, pork, and other meats in the crockpot. I love it, it's my favorite small appliance.
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My best crockpot chicken recipe:

quarter several potatoes and put in first
add at least 2 cloves of garlic (I use the Amish from local grocery; already smashed and in a jar)
place chicken pieces on top (I've never tried a whole chicken - my crock is not big enough)
douse with EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)

I've done it both ways - slow (8 or so hours) and fast (5ish) It has been good everytime!
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We tried out this recipe last night and it turned out great! It made the whole house smell nice for a long time after dinner as well. Thank you for posting it! I'd recommend it to anyone, even if you don't normally like sweet potatoes(such as myself).
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