Crooked Leg, Closed Web Foot plus Pooping Issues - Please Help

We all learn as we go
The little brown thing sounds like the belly button plug that takes 3-5 days to dry up and fall off
We don’t need to touch it
If that blob of gunk is bellow the belly button than that is probably at the vent and causing a block
If that’s the case we do need to get that off
But I want to make sure it’s not on the belly button
Baby can go in a warm bath or run warm tap water over the area
Pictures of both areas together will help us figure it out
I will post more pictures tonight. This morning it seemed better A I just had to knock some poop off. I hope to get a better picture- you all have been great!

I’m seeing the foot as a problem. The actual foot is turned to the inside and I don’t think I can fix that. When she hatched, the foot was in an odd place and I’m now thinking she grew that way. Working on keeping the web open and continuing vitamin treatments.

I do have her separate from the rest. The boot seems to help, but she got that off last night and I had to do it again.

On a positive note- we had 5 more hatch in the last 24 hours. They were in a different incubator where the humidity was definitely right. The old one I complained about and was told to throw away, but had eggs in it - those were the last 5 duckling - this one was so much easier and less stressful! Only had to help one a little bit!
Congrats on the new littles!! When you put the vet wrap on go up pass her ankle onto her leg so she can’t get it off so easy. Doing what your doing may help though so keep the boot on also I’d start her on liquid BComplex and your others too unless your already supplementing
Congrats on the new littles!! When you put the vet wrap on go up pass her ankle onto her leg so she can’t get it off so easy. Doing what your doing may help though so keep the boot on also I’d start her on liquid BComplex and your others too unless your already supplementing
I second this
Hopefully we can get you figured out
May take the boot on foot for a week to get it better plus the vitamin B complex
Yes you are and baby will one day appreciate all the efforts :)
Ok so I have some better pictures of the abdomen area. The first picture is how I find her after a few hours (pooped up). I rinse her and use a Q-tip to get the poop off. Second picture is cleaned up. Third picture is zoomed in and fourth picture I circled parts I’ve been talking about … see below! Thanks!

Circled in red is the crusty area I don’t want to remove because it seems to bleed if you move it (I bumped it once)

Circled in blue - small hole and poop comes out … seems to keep coming out.

Circled in purple - thin skin which seems to have stared collecting some poop on it. The part circled in blue use to stick out a little, now it seems angled down and trapped by this thin skin - didn’t want to do anything with it

Circled in green - opening is clear with no issues there.

Ok so I have some better pictures of the abdomen area. The first picture is how I find her after a few hours (pooped up). I rinse her and use a Q-tip to get the poop off. Second picture is cleaned up. Third picture is zoomed in and fourth picture I circled parts I’ve been talking about … see below! Thanks!

Circled in red is the crusty area I don’t want to remove because it seems to bleed if you move it (I bumped it once)

Circled in blue - small hole and poop comes out … seems to keep coming out.

Circled in purple - thin skin which seems to have stared collecting some poop on it. The part circled in blue use to stick out a little, now it seems angled down and trapped by this thin skin - didn’t want to do anything with it

Circled in green - opening is clear with no issues there.

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You got great photos but I’m more confused now then before
That big gunk seems to be up higher around her navel not her vent
Her vent also looks swollen and not exactly how my babies have looked
I definitely want to tag some more experienced bird people as I don’t want to give you the wrong advice
@Wyorp Rock
@Eggcessive I know your more chicken but maybe you will know others to tag

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