crooked neck treatment that work on my silkie


6 Years
Jun 9, 2013
i have a silkie whom had crook neck. one day my wife went out and checked on them and our littlest one had her head between her legs and walking backwards. we found a treatment formula that worked great and now she is like the same ole lil girl, with a little more spice now, thou.

i had a question for anyone whom might now or been threw this. now that she is all better is it safe for us to put her back with the other chickens?

here is the formula that we used, adjust to the weight of your bird:

The following is for an adult about 2 pound bird. Scale back for smaller birds.
For the first week I give
Twice a day
2.5 mg of prednisone
400 IU of vitamin E
Once a day
A piece of human vitamin B complex pill or a squirt of human liquid vitamins
Selenium (50 micrograms/day for half size juvenile for 3 days)
For the second week I give
Once a day
2.5 mg of prednisone
400 IU of vitamin E
A piece of human vitamin B complex pill or a squirt of human liquid vitamins
Every other day
Selenium (50 micrograms/day for half size juvenile for 3 days)
For the following weeks I give
Once a day
2.5 mg of prednisone
400 IU of vitamin E
A piece of human vitamin B complex pill or a squirt of human liquid vitamins
Every third day
Selenium (50 micrograms/day for half size juvenile for 3 days)
Do not abruptly stop prednisone, the swelling rebounds, decrease dose
Vitamin E recovery can be slow; continue the vitamin E for several weeks at

*I used fish oil in place of the Prednisone & had good results. It contains a natural steroid.

I am considering getting Prednisone for my hen with Wry Neck but would prefer to use fish oil and not kill her immune system. Your post mentioned you used fish oil instead in your protocol and it worked. How much fish oil and how many pounds was your silkie? My barred rock is only 3 pounds.

Thank you so much! I hope this helps me with my decision. Right now I only use two pills of fish oil a day and I am wondering if that is enough. How long did it take your silkie to recover? Of course, I think yours was a baby and mine is 10 months old; I wonder if that matters?

So concerned,

Hi I've always been successful with predinsone I'n the past however I've heard fish oil can be used as a natural steroid. I would try and if you don't have success then proceed to predindone.i just woke to another bird with wry neck in my flock. I've started her on predinsone because its always worked in the past with my silkies. I've had quite a few cases of wry neck in the past and thank God the treatment had always been successful.i have to go with what had been successful for me. However give it a try and let us know your results. I've just started my treatment this morning. I'm praying I've caught it before it becomes severe. But I have read fish oil IS a natural steroid so I would just wonder about the strength of it. Let us know your results. In the mean time I'm going to stick with the predinsone because its worked in the past and I've been fortunate not to have side effects that I know of or could see. Its a personal decision. If you have success with the fish oil please let me know because I'd much rather use a natural remedy if it's successful. Best of luck.
I have to say, I am now encouraged about the fish oil! After three days of treating her with it, today she is eating the food balls I put on the ground by herself, AND she just started walking a tad to get to them! She wasn't moving at all before! I am so excited!! I will keep you posted.
Hi guys, I'm just reading this thread now for the first time after researching what else I can do for my silky chick that has wry neck (I believe, but I haven't ruled out brain injury yet...)
At 4 weeks old I found her laying with her neck draped over the bottom rung of this little wooden perching block I made her. I picked her up and when I put her back down her neck was twisted, unable to eat or drink by herself.
Not sure if vitamin E deficiency kicked in while I was out for a couple hours, or if she had an accident...
I brought some nutrivet vitamin drops for her water(see image for ingredients) and added a bit extra vit b mega complex, and some apple cider vinegar. I ground up some sunflower seeds (high in vit E and selenium) and mixed them into some finer ground starter chicken mix.
After 7 days of having her on this routine she is getting a bit stronger, but still not able to be fully self sufficient. I will try fish (cod) oil tomorrow for a week and hopefully that helps!
Please let me know how you guys went, hopefully it's good news! 🤞


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Welcome to BYC. You might want to start a new thread of your own where others can offer advice, since this one is 8 years old, and you can do that here:

Hi guys, I'm just reading this thread now for the first time after researching what else I can do for my silky chick that has wry neck (I believe, but I haven't ruled out brain injury yet...)
At 4 weeks old I found her laying with her neck draped over the bottom rung of this little wooden perching block I made her. I picked her up and when I put her back down her neck was twisted, unable to eat or drink by herself.
Not sure if vitamin E deficiency kicked in while I was out for a couple hours, or if she had an accident...
I brought some nutrivet vitamin drops for her water(see image for ingredients) and added a bit extra vit b mega complex, and some apple cider vinegar. I ground up some sunflower seeds (high in vit E and selenium) and mixed them into some finer ground starter chicken mix.
After 7 days of having her on this routine she is getting a bit stronger, but still not able to be fully self sufficient. I will try fish (cod) oil tomorrow for a week and hopefully that helps!
Please let me know how you guys went, hopefully it's good news! 🤞

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