Crooked Toes


10 Years
Feb 11, 2009
Hey everyone

I just hatched my first thai/asil babies and about half of them are born fine but the other half have severly cooked toes and when they come out of the egg they still have their yolk sack attacted to them. I just let the sacks dry off and they naturally come off on most of them. But I was wondering if you all could tell me how I can prevent this from happening?

I take it you have the hen and the rooster. I'd make sure the hen and rooster are fed very well. Something might be missing from their diet.

If you are incubating the eggs, I'd check the temperature and humidity.

If it happened after hatch, I'd look into different kinds of stresses such as heat/cold or too much running.
Thank yall. And it is probably the incubator because they are very old and I should probably replace them :). I am feeding the chickens a mix of layena, layer pellets, cleaned grains/cracked corn. So I dont think it is the food. But I will double check to see if the temp and humidity r correct. Thanks again :)

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