crop impaction? oil? Grit?


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
ETA: I have been looking for the how to guide to do crop impaction surgery and cannpt find it. If anyone could give me the link it would be much appreciated. This little guy needs help soon. Thanks

My frizzle roo has a rock hard crop and he doesn't look too good. Another rooster was chasing him away from the food so I started watching him closer this last week. And trying to get him enough to eat. Well he has turned into a junk food junky and I see he is losing weight. Yesterday he looked really weak and I feed him some eggs. But today he looks more red in the comb, but his crop is way way too hard. !!! I have never dealt with this and don't know what to do. What should I do? I think something needs to be done soon.

ETA again: Well I think I have the info now. I guess I will try the massageing first and the oil. Just wondering about if the grit is for the crop or the gizzard? And what can I give him besides (including) the oil as he looks very very thin. Poor guy. I check a percentage of my chickens daily, but he is a scaredy cat so I didnt pick him up for a while, 2 weeks, plus he is frizzle and looks puffy. . And he has drastically lost weight these last two weeks. What do I give him to help get him going again?
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hope it turns out.
I had the same thing happen only with my hen. She never got a hard crop, she just got more pushy to the other chickens.
A hard crop generally means it is impacted. Olive oil down the throat will help break up the blockage, however if you can get him to a vet, they can flush the crop out quickly. Massages of the crop can help break down what ever is in there.

I too have heard about the crop surgery on a few of these posts. If I come across it, I will send you the link. So sorry about your roo.
Oh, and I wouldn't offer grit. Grit is for the gizzard and the grit will only impact the crop more.
Ok thanks twocrowsranch
. I didnt give him any grit so thats good. I gave him a cc of oil and a cc of vite water with extra sugar to it. I massagaed his crop before that and I think it got smaller but was hardish in there what he did have. After the water he got more color in his face. I think he is just so weak. I cannot believe what has happened in just 2 weeks.
I sure hope he makes it.
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I am going to wait till tomorrow to see how he is. Then decide if he needs surgery. Sure won't use cotton thread.!!
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Boo Bear

baby Boo
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Many times sick birds are cold. Even in the summer. So if you think he may be cold, give him a warm place to sleep tonight. Feel his feet. If they are cold, then he is cold. If he is fluffed up he might also be cold.

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