Crowing questions


7 Years
Feb 7, 2012
I was wondering, when will my Silkie cockerels start crowing? And my brothers Buff Cochin, Big Boy, only crows less then once a week. Do Buff Cochins only crow once in a while? Or do they crow daily??
Good question - never thought about how often chickens crow. I have what I consider a pretty quiet rooster - he crows a dozen times or so each morning and then shuts up for the rest of the day.
I can't speak for cochins but my RIR didn't crow until he was around 12 weeks old. As far as how much crowing he does? He crows whenever the mood strikes, all - day - long. Starts in the a.m. before dawn, off and on all day and another bout of crowing as the sun sets. He also crows in the middle of the night if something startles him or if the moon is bright. You name it any reason is a good reason to crow as far as he is concerned.
:) Thanks guys. I have five other full grown cockerels that crow all day long. Three of them are higher in the pecking order then Big Boy, and they used to chase him around the whole yard whenever they caught sight of him. The other two are bantam roosters. (They are adorable!) he has just started mating. Thanks for the help!!
I have 5 BR Cockerels, two Welsummers, one EE, one Black Australorp and one Australorp/Cochin Cross and they seem to take turns or what I call 'Round Robin' crowing beginning promptly at
3:30 a.m. and continue to crow off and on all day until the sun is totally set.
I would love to know what the different calls mean we have two roos at the moment and I've seen them do the
egg cackle they answer the roo up that way at 4 a.m. and crow off and on all day long.
There seems to be the wake up call
round up for feed time
and after nap call
and oh look I found a bug
a growl and clucking!

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