Cull or keep/ wait and see

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Yikes note to self, now i know why my husband like dead shrimp only. Thanks and yeah he going to the freezer unless before tomorrow i find someone who wants him, other wise i ll lose my nerve ok killing him if thats what needed.
Dead or alive, it doesn't matter. It's all about whether they have that bacteria on them from the water. You can also get mycobacterium marinum from cleaning a fish that's been exposed to the bacteria if you have a cut or open place on your skin.

BTW, the rooster is pretty.
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Eekk ok good to know we use to live in rockport tx and i would fish all the time so thats something good to know we live near san antonio now and its just worms i get besides minnows. And yeah he is he still makes me laugh because he has no long tail feathers just yet so his saddle feathers look funny.
BTW, the rooster is pretty.
He'll be prettier in a roaster pan all golden brown and juicy!
Lol lapineeggs, he a big one lol and he only sixmonths old and from what i hear they are tender lol as long as i think of him as dinner and not my pet i am okay with it. So this is a thought i have to hold on to. If my husband cant kill him i will i won't risk her.
I just got rid of one of my roosters, Carlos, because we only had 8 hens and two roosters. Carlos was getting a little brazen, so I did worry about worsening behavior as he is only 18 weeks. It was sad, he was full of personality, and we will miss him. But it was the best for our flock and family to rooster downsize.

Are roosters any less aggressive if they free range, or more so? I was thinking if there was a less defined territory if that affected things.
they are free ranged all day and the go in the coop at night i dont think its a space issue i think its more of a rooster personality issue. I know my yard that they are in is 100ft wide and alittle bigger then that long.
My chickens have always free ranged so not sure if that has anything to do with it. My BO, the only rooster I have now, has in the last two days started to show interest when I'm in the pen. I purchased him on purpose when I bought my RIR chicks from Ideal due to reading they are not aggressive. We have him for one reason, to warn of hawks. I do have people that buy eggs from me that want them fertile but that's not enough reason to keep him.
Yes. Jesusfreak101 came here for advice, not judgement. Enough already. This is why new posters get discouraged. They are seeking wisdom, and get ridiculed for it.
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